Exam period is hard. Professors who let you release your creative side make it easier. Everyone hates the last few weeks of semester. We’re all writing final papers, studying for exams, and as a result, are deficient in sleep and social time. So, shout out to the professors who let you do creative final projects […]
Bwogger Gabrielle Kloppers is an East Asian Languages and Cultures minor. Although she loves her classes, she doesn’t need to go to the East Asian Library in Kent all that often. Imagine her anxiety when she realized that the one time she does need it, it’s flooded. Or read all about it here. So, let […]
Confused as to what law schools you should apply to? Ask Gabbie for more information. Law Schools are quite similar in terms of curriculum, especially in the first year. Where you go, however, has quite direct impacts on what you have the chance to do after graduating. The first thing to do is to look […]
Bwogger Gabrielle Kloppers recounts a regret from her time at Columbia. She is a Senior and this advice would have changed her academic life. Don’t be like Gabrielle, read this piece. Up until recently, I had not taken many seminars. I started my English major halfway through my Sophomore year with the mandatory introductory class. […]
As the end of senior year is within glimpse, many Columbia students have no idea what they will do after their sojourn at the sanatorium on 116th. Many decide further education might be the best bet… including law school. Senior Staff Bwogger Gabrielle Kloppers explains some factors that may impact that decision. Disclaimer: Kloppers is […]
Bwog writer Gabbie lives the life of a grandma on 113th. She has never been to a Senior Night and doesn’t plan to go to one soon, after hearing what she does every Wednesday night from her apartment window. There is a sudden shriek, interrupting my nightly pre-bed cup of herbal tea and episode of […]
At a university like Columbia, where everyone is constantly under heavy academic pressure, many students choose to imbibe copious quantities of alcohol in order to chill out a little bit. Bwog Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers investigates the volumes involved, using a thoroughly scientific method. First of all, we need to separate Columbia Students into categories, […]
At Columbia, we often fall quickly into niche identities. Econ kids rarely mix with the Film majors, and so often we have no idea where people from different departments hang out. Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers investigates the locations you’ll only know about if you’re in the major. I often wonder where people from the more […]
As ‘Internship Season’ approaches and we see more and more of our classmates attending banking information sessions, decked out in penguin suits, the higher our anxiety over our own futures gets. Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers investigates the phenomenon known as the “cover letter.” At first, the cover letter seems exciting, especially if you’ve found a […]
As our years at Columbia trickle slowly by, each year we are greeted by an ever-younger cohort in 1020, at the frathouses, and in our classes. How do you know that the cutie from Intro to Psych is legally of an age where you can get it on? Bwog Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers investigates. Flirting […]
After having been back at Columbia University for a few weeks, Bwog is once again struck by how little attention their classmates have paid to the assigned readings- or logic in general. Here, Bwog Senior Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers recounts a few choice excerpts. “I know these are statues, but like…the Greeks…didn’t actually fight centaurs, […]
After another summer, heading into another semester, many of us have come to a certain stark realization: not only will college not last forever, but also, when we leave this bubble above 114th, we will need to figure out what our next stage will entail. Join Senior Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers as she explores one […]
Our next Houses and Homes comes to you from the Land Down Under, where it’s cold enough to eat soup and lit enough for Melbourne’s youth to get merry. Share your own summer sights by sending us a picture (or two!) and describing the other four senses of your home to tips@bwog.com. Where: A mildly […]
We all know that season. The season of CCSC campaigning. We’ve all seen the Facebook posts, the blatant lies they tell. We put up with it. But what annoys us the most? Bwog Staffer Gabrielle Kloppers is here to complain. I could deal with the Facebook posts, constantly popping up in my notifications as someone […]
Everyone had those friends they made in NSOP, or COOP, or in their LitHum class. Eventually, most of them will fade off, crystallizing your real friendship group. Bwog Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers shares some (hypothetical) texts you will receive, or have received, from these. We have all had those friends. You met in the line […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025