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Today’s Bwoglines are dedicated to pop culture queen Lil Bub, may she rest in peace.

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Bwog has one last Bwoglines to give before the Thanksgiving festivities begin, and what a shiny, stolen, culturally significant Bwoglines it is. 

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Before you start another day of work and classes, make sure you’re up to date on important issues, like exactly how to secure such a juicy reward.

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Woke up a little later than you meant to because you were up late studying last night? Start your day even later and read some interesting, occasionally sleep-related current events!

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In which Bwog welcomes you to October with current events and spooky music recommendations. Happening in the World: Police in Hong Kong shot a protester when firing a live round of warning shots, marking the first injury from a warning shot in the 17 weeks of protests. This happened on the 70th anniversary of the […]

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Happening in the World: Recent fires that have scorched over 800,000 acres of Indonesian land have caused “hazardous” air pollution levels and a high concentration of PM10 around the province of Jambi. Thanks to these tiny particles and a phenomenon called Mie scattering, the sky there has turned blood red. (CNN) Happening in the US: President Trump […]

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Thank you Sahmaya Busby for your very thoughtful and nuanced review of my recent concert. It is very moving to (read more)
Courtney Bryan’s Composer Portrait Explores The Sound Of Freedom
September 16, 2024
i LOVED this article!! Can’t wait to read more from these authors (read more)
SuperBowl For Nerds: Columbia’s Debate Watch Party
September 16, 2024
Lloyd Dobler is amazing. You should definitely watch Say Anything! (read more)
RoomHop: Sister Showdown!
September 15, 2024
IM DEADDD (read more)
RoomHop: Sister Showdown!
September 15, 2024

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