Our last Senior Wisdom of the day is from Avinoam Stillman, who lives at the Bayit, is often mistaken for a GS or grad student, and has some thoughts on the Columbia bubble. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Avinoam Stillman, Columbia College, Religion, Brookline, MA Claim to fame: All sorts of Jewish things: second cousin once […]
EH hails from France, Boston, and a time when you could basically walk into Cannons. Name, School, Major, Hometown: EH, Dual BA Program between Columbia and Sciences Po, Economics and Political Science, Boston, MA Claim to fame: Getting nominated for Senior Wisdom having only spent two years at Columbia? Where are you going? Saving the […]
Here’s some wisdom from the CU Sad Girl, Lucy Jakub. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Lucy, Columbia College, Nonfiction, Blue Hill, ME Claim to fame: Co-founder of the Sad Girls Club, part-time frat anthropologist Where are you going? Back to the woods What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the […]
Not so fast, Michael Miller. History and MESAAS have the best courses of all time, according to Saaleh Baseer. Read on to find out why. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Saaleh Baseer, General Studies, History, Fremont, CA Claim to fame: You might me know as the guy who’s always talking about colonialism and/or Pre-Partition India, or shaking […]
Get to know Amram Altzman, a GS/JTS activist for LGBTQ and LGBTQ-Jewish issues. He discusses Sweetgreen, Butler, and the Morningside Heights bubble below. Name: Amram Altzman; GS/JTS; Sociology and Jewish history; Brooklyn, NY Claim to fame: I’m just a run-of-the-mill bougie li’l socialist trying to make my way in this world. I helped start JQ, […]
Virginia reminds us of old Bwog in one of these links… can you find it? Name, School, Major, Hometown: Virginia Fu, CC, Computer Science and History (both concentrations), North Andover, MA. Claim to fame: Literary/Senior editor for the Blue and White mag, Potluck House resident, honorary member of CDCJ (I think), third-tier member of SWS. The UAW […]
The Westside Cheese Aisle, stress culture, and bouncing boobs are all topics in Brett Krasner’s senior wisdom. Get some context below. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Brett Krasner, GS/JTS, Political Science/Talmud (Rabbinic Law), West Chester, PA Claim to fame: I’m currently the 21 year-old that plans events for my aging GS peers so they don’t impeach my ass. Prior […]
Helen Cane tells us the importance of activism and orgasms. Happy Friday :-) Name, School, Major, Hometown: Helen Cane, Barnard College, Economics, Palo Alto, California Claim to fame: Co-founder of Divest Barnard from fossil fuels campaign. Barnard Writing Fellow. Well Woman Peer Educator. You may have seen me doing homework or compiling Disorientation Guides in 1020 because […]
Your last senior wisdom of the day comes from Haley Fica, Barnard Physics major and dancer extraordinaire. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Haley Fica, Barnard, Physics, Alpharetta, GA Claim to fame: I’m the girl who wears shorts all year long, even in -20 wind chill, whoops. I’m in almost every dance group on campus (Orchesis, UnTapped, CoLab, Raw […]
Women’s Rowing Captain and Senior Fund Co-Chair Laney McGahey shares her senior wisdom with you next! Name, School, Major, Hometown: Laney, Lanels, Lanith, Lentil Soup Marron McGahey (ps my real name is Elena), Columbia College, Rowing and American Studies, San Francisco, CA Claim to fame: Sunshine Chair and lucky resident of Symposium Penthouse @Lill @G @Em (thank […]
More senior wisdom comes from Wong Hui Yu, CC’s artsy anthropoligical art historian! Name, School, Major, Hometown: Wong Hui Yu, Columbia College, Art History Major and Anthropology concentrator, Singapore. Claim to fame: Friendly coordinator of about a year’s worth of figure models in Dodge 501 sketch sessions. Profferer of loose bits of advice in the darkroom on […]
Next up on our Senior Wisdom lineup is Barnard’s Alexandra Warrick, famous for prize-winning and Latenite-ing. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Alexandra Warrick, Barnard College, Film and English, New York City (I grew up by the 72nd street stop.) Claim to fame: I won the Andrew Sarris Prize for a thesis on Tim and Eric, Eric Andre and […]
Next up in our Senior Wisdom series, we have Yadir Lakehal – who is meme famous and 3D prints food. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Yadir Lakehal, SEAS, Mechanical Engineering 3-2 Program, Casablanca, Morocco Claim to fame: Most of my friends know me as the dude who 3D prints food in the first floor of Mudd, but my […]
Our next senior wisdom comes from Sophie Laruelle who wants you to get off your phone (after reading this). Name, School, Major, Hometown: Sophie Therese Laruelle/CC/Music/New York City!! JK Westchester. Ok……Scarsdale. Claim to fame: Over the past four years, I’ve played everything from a demonic environmentalist to an incestuous queen to a frisky CUMB member to Jeb […]
In our second senior wisdom today, Paulina Mangubat talks about memes and wise things. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Paulina Mangubat, Barnard College, political science and East Asian studies, Phoenix, AZ Claim to fame: In a past life, I worked for Spectator, where I appropriated the Bored@Butler “campus discourse” meme and transformed it into a branding strategy. Bored@Butler […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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