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Posts Tagged with "cu dems"

Earlier today, we posted the Senior Wisdom of a campus politician. Now, we’re posting the Senior Wisdom of an off-campus politician: Isabel Rothberg, who dropped out of school for a semester to work on the Clinton campaign. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Isabel Rothberg, CC, *concentration* in political science (ask me about how I had to change […]

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Rise and shine, Columbia! Today’s Bwoglines bring you Lady Gaga, New Yorkers being positive and helpful (yes—you read that right), senatorial call-ins, and my creepy calculus teacher feeling up a tree in the woods. For all that and more, read on! Happening in the nation: Yesterday, Lady Gaga put on a jaw-dropping performance between two […]

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To help ease your woes on the first day of finals, we bring you yet another Senior Wisdom from former CU Dems prez Sejal Singh. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Sejal Singh, Columbia College, Political Science. “Hometown” is always a tough one for me, because I moved around a bit – I was born in Allentown, […]

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Last night, an infuriating amount of students began requesting to be taken off of the Columbia Democrats email listserv. One tipster suggested that the unsubscribe-request rate correlated with Obama’s approval rating. However, the trouble came when the messages asking to unsubscribe began to forward to everyone on the listserv, not just the CU Dems Board […]

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This afternoon, a group of Columbia students will be protesting at the White House against the signing of the Keystone XL pipeline. The Columbia Democrats in particular have advertised the non-violent protest. Bwog received a tip that there are currently over 500 students chained to the White House fence, including at least 20 Columbia students. […]

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Ah, the first SGA meeting of the New Year. After introducing a few new faces and sharing some semester-ly goals, SGA listened to the CU Dems present a petition addressing Columbia’s handling of sexual assault. Bwogger Lauren Beltrone reports. **TRIGGER WARNING FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT & RAPE ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS** Armed with their trusty placards […]

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Bwog sent Features Editor Alexander Pines to get the scoop on recent Dems and USenate activism on campus. Here’s his report. Following up on their October 9th petition to increase transparency in Columbia’s reporting of sexual assault and other gender-based misconduct, the Columbia Democrats, in association with several other student groups as part of the Coalition Against […]

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On Thursday morning, Columbia College students Jordana Narin CC ’17 and Ankeet Ball CC ’16 took part in a “youth summit” (CNBC’s name, not Bwog’s) on The Kudlow Report. Kudlow brought in the two Democrats, along with two Republican students from Boston U. and Harper College, to discuss the effect of Obamacare on the president’s […]

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CU Dems have been circulating a petition calling for information on how Columbia deals with sexual assault. “Transparency” is a word we hear thrown around pretty often, so truth seeker Joseph Rosales interviewed Austin Heyroth, CC’15, VP of the Dems, for some details. Bwog: Can you give a quick intro to the petition and the […]

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This morning the Columbia Democrats were spurred to action by something near and dear to Bwog’s heart – marriage equality. They were out in the cold protesting an event being held on campus titled “Family in Modern Society.” It includes such riveting talks as “What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense” and “Everything is […]

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Update, 2/14 11:45pm: CUCR confirms that, in fact, not all of the Ivy League school groups have agreed to sign on to the statement, despite what both political sides at Columbia were told from UPenn.  CUCR President Tyler Trumbach asserts that CUCR and CUDems still stand by their own joint statement and hope that the remaining […]

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The president of CU Dems Janine Balekdjian,CC ’13, replies to an article entitled “How to Save the Democratic Party” in the most recent issue of The Nation magazine. She says that the Democratic Party has not actually “left its New Deal roots,” nor has it “abandoned progressivism,” citing the Affordable Care Act as evidence. She discusses […]

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Over Election Day break, the CU Democrats hosted a five-day trip to Cleveland, Ohio. The goal was to help canvass for the Obama campaign during Get Out the Vote (GOTV). Bwog’s recovering reporter, John, reminisces: Having not woken up at 5 A.M. since high school and feeling like someone had recently retrieved a rake that […]

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A lot has happened in the two weeks since Bwog broke the story of abortions no longer being covered for many Columbia students. Spec wrote an article, then an editorial, Jezebel posted about the issue, and the Dems launched a major publicity campaign—complete with high-profile endorsements from people like Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (who represents the […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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