Bwogline: In a loss that reassured both Democrats and Republicans that we haven’t gone totally insane as a country, populist and “Trumpier Than Trump” Senate candidate Don Blankenship lost the Republican primary in West Virginia. Ok, I’m supposed to end the Bwogline there, but you have to see this. In the final days of the campaign, Blankenship […]
It’s been an eventful few weeks ever since Kanye returned to Twitter. Can you distinguish his outlandish statements from classic Columbia Fuckboy quotes? Play and find out!
You may have heard of the recent trend of hiring conservative commentators for the Op-Ed Board of several different publications. Since there’s been literally no pushback over this idea, we at Bwog have decided to give it a try and hire a writer from the finest publication on campus, the Columbia Daily Spectator. Deputy Editor […]
Every Tuesday, Bwog brings you a recap of the previous night’s Engineering Student Council (ESC) meeting. This week brought updates to everyone’s favorite defunct Bwog sister website, WikiCU, as well as a vote on carbon neutrality and an exciting new cross-Ivy initiative. Luckily, SEAS-adjacent Deputy Editor Zack Abrams stepped in to cover it. Carbon Neutrality Resolution After […]
Got a quiver in your liver? Read all about River Hall, a housing hall that I had no idea existed until I was assigned this story a few days ago. Location: 628 West 114th Street between Broadway and Riverside Drive. Nearby dorms: Shapiro, Broadway, Hogan, St. A’s, those Barnard 116 dorms. Stores and restaurants: Best […]
Deputy Editor Zack Abrams was present last night at CUCR’s latest speaker event, a debate between conservative pundit Ann Coulter and political blogger Mickey Kaus, moderated by TV showrunner Rob Long. The Columbia University College Republicans had promised an exciting debate between Ann Coulter and blogger Mickey Kaus. What we got, however, was two friends debating […]
Deputy Editor Zack Abrams is a big fan of sunlight and thus not a big fan of Daylight Saving Time. Read his thoughts below. Winters are tough. Seasonal depression is at its height as it can heavily weight on your psyche having only a few hours of daylight where you’re not in class or in the […]
It was once said that all great designers, whether they design skyscrapers or artwork, challenge themselves to design the perfect chair: beautiful when seen, yet invisible when in use. I’m pretty sure I heard that on a podcast at some point. In any case, Columbia clearly didn’t recruit any “great designers” when considering which chairs they […]
Deputy Editor Zack Abrams always has voices inside his head but he’s pretty sure he’s not crazy; he’s just a podcast addict! Here are his recommendations for a good podcast to listen to when working out, commuting on the subway, or generally trying to avoid other people. Sources say if you like enough of his […]
In a statement released by the official Columbia Admissions Twitter account today, Admissions clarified that students facing disciplinary action for peaceful protests will not be “at a disadvantage in the Columbia admissions process.” This statement comes in the wake of many schools promising the same, including MIT, Brown, Yale, and several others. The Needville Independent School […]
Paul Ryan recently tweeted (‘n’ deleted) about a whopping $1.50-a-week raise for a high school secretary as a result of the tax bill. In anticipation of the money raining from the sky, I decided to treat myself to a $1.50 shopping spree around MoHi. Here’s how it went. With a light heart and a heavy […]
He would probably stop eating Deantini. He also would fit in his Audi. PrezBo via Bwog Archives
Deputy Editor and frequent FiveThirtyEight reader Zack Abrams has created a site so HTML-heavy that he had to throw the whole Bwog away and host it somewhere else. Go here for the full experience or scroll down for an overview of the site. Note: use Google Chrome to see the preview, but the site itself works on any […]
Happening in the World: Cape Town is about to run out of water. ‘Zero-day,’ the day the taps turn off, is April 16th after drought and overuse have drained the city of its water supply, and citizens have little hope of a way out. (NPR) Happening in the US: Trump gave his State of the Union address and managed […]
Deputy Editor and live music aficionado Zack Abrams attended the Miller Theatre last Thursday for the show ‘Glass + Schubert,’ a solo recital by pianist Simone Dinnerstein who performed music by Franz Schubert and Philip Glass. After an enjoyable experience at the Miller Theatre last semester, I was once again excited to see Simone Dinnerstein […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024