For this edition of Classical Whines, Editor in Chief and Bwog’s resident Classics major, Youngweon Lee, interviewed Emily Wilson, professor of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, whose translation of the Odyssey replaced Lattimore’s on the Literature Humanities syllabus this year.
Columbia often advertises itself as one of the most ethnically and economically diverse schools in the Ivy League. But what happens when students with these diverse backgrounds after they come to Columbia? What communities exist for them? With Latinx Heritage Month a few weeks behind us, Events Editor Isabel Sepúlveda takes a closer look at […]
e’s Bar had their highly anticipated grand opening night last Thursday and is stepping in to fill the void left by Amigos. We here at Bwog had some curiosities, as we do, so we asked them some questions and got some answers. (The interview has been lightly edited for readability.)
Classical Whines is back! Bwog’s resident Classics major and Editor in Chief Youngweon Lee talks about how awesome ReCAP is. In case you haven’t noticed, Columbia is not exactly a school with a lot of space to spare. This problem manifests itself in many areas, such as the lack of classroom space, but one other […]
So now that Up Coffee is dead and Joe Coffee has a monopoly on campus, it’s Bwog’s duty to tell you which Joe is the best Joe. Thus, I visited all three locations on campus, Pulitzer, Dodge, and NoCo, and drank one large ice latte from each location. The reason for the choice of drink was […]
Around 12:45 am on Monday, September 17th, a resident in 627 W 115th St. (also known as Owl House, or the former ZBT brownstone) turned on the stove in the studio double that she shares with a roommate, Dallas Koelling, CC ’20, for the first time since moving in. According to Facilities, stoves (as well […]
What are Columbia students doing to engage with the recent movement of increased activism against gun violence? Daily Editor Isabel Sepúlveda found out by speaking to members of new organization Columbia University Against Gun Violence and attending two of the group’s events. In the wake of the Parkland shooting this past February, there has been an […]
Classical Whines is back for whines about the classics and a wine rec. This time, it’s about Ovid’s Metamorphoses; a work that was once on the LitHum syllabus but has since been eviscerated from the Core. As a disclaimer, we are aware that LitHum syllabi may differ slightly between sections, but for our intents and […]
With the Columbia Women’s Basketball team tied with Cornell at the bottom of the league with 2-10 conference record, the team will certainly be playing their final games of the season at Levien this weekend, and seniors Camille Zimmerman, Paige Tippet, and Jillian Borreson their final games of their Columbia careers. As such, Bwogger Isabel Sepúlveda […]
Social Media Editor Youngweon Lee valiantly sacrificed herself as a guinea pig to test out this Harvard-created online dating site (?) to write a review. Tl;dr – Bwog’s verdict is to stick to Tinder. The worst holiday of the year, Valentine’s Day, is inevitably coming around the disgustingly pink-themed corner. This year, this stench of […]
We don’t know about you, but 1020 is Bwog’s favorite bar. Because we love the place so much, we go there a lot and see a lot of weird shit go down. Like fights. So we decided to do an analysis of it. First of all, I apologize for the poorly done drawing of 1020. […]
After Bwog published a few joke posts about stacks sex, people being kicked out of the stacks, and stacks boner killers, Deputy Editor Youngweon did some actual investigation about why the stacks close at 11pm. She interviewed Francie Mrkich, Director of Access Services at Butler Library, and here are all the answers. Many students want […]
Columbia has a lot of excellent sexual health resources if you know where to look. Just in case you don’t, we compiled a list of sexual health resources at Columbia that you can take advantage of, mostly for free, especially if you have the Columbia insurance plan. This list includes information about safer sex supplies, […]
On September 11 of this year, former Clinton administration official Nilda Mesa assumed a sizeable responsibility: the post of Environmental Stewardship Director, charged with making Columbia’s footprint a little bit smaller. Bwog caught up with Nilda in her airy fourth floor office, across a bowl of organic fruit. Bwog: You’ve been here two months. How’s […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025