For our last Senior Wisdom, we have star former Managing Editor Courtney Couillard, who knows her way around the three D’s – data, drama, and the Diana. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Courtney Couillard, Barnard College, Political Science, Dover, NH Claim to Fame: Helped run this gossip site at Columbia as Managing Editor. Broke Bacchanal headliner news before […]
Fire Safety maven and green card seeker Anna Hotter is all about posing outside of Philosophy, living out 30 Rock, and not going to class. Let her astound you with her infinite wisdom re: lessons learned and regrets. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Anna Hotter, CC, Economics-Political Science and Philosophy, Graz, Austria Claim to fame: I […]
The president of Barnard’s student government has been in the news a lot lately, so what’s one more article on Shivani? We love her and her outspoken attitude, so we figured she’d have a lot to say, and it turns out we were right… even about cheese. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Shivani Vikuntam, Barnard College, […]
Take some afternoon senior wisdom from outgoing SGA President, Julia Qian! Name, School, Major, Hometown: Julia Qian, Barnard College, History, Athena Scholar, Hangzhou, China (that’s where Alibaba was founded, just saying) Claim to fame: SGA prez for 2014-2015, a proud member of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Senior Interviewer, Global Symposium Fellow… Where are you going? On my way to get a Claudia’s […]
Another lovely Bwogger shares their Wisdom. If you’ve ever needed some guidance on sunburns, free sweatshirts, or the day after Bacchanal, Renée Kraiem is the woman to talk to. Name, School, Major: Renée Kraiem, BC ‘14, English Claim to fame: More famous for getting outed on Bwog than working for it, apparently. Where are you going? Literally nowhere. I’ll […]
Even though finals are over, you can always use a little more wisdom. Today’s Senior Wisdom is from Maddy Popkin, who refuses to capitalize anything. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Maddy Popkin, (staunchly) Barnard, Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Major, Race & Ethnic Studies Concentrator, Spanish minor Claim to fame: wellwoman peer educator [resident diva cup […]
Welcome Sakina Pasha, who provided you with both baked goods and wristbands. Name, Hometown, School: Sakina A Pasha, Phoenix/Las Vegas/LA, Barnard College Claim to fame? Just received the honor of being on the cover of Barnard Magazine the semester I graduated, which means my face is awkwardly in peoples mailboxes, on coffee tables, and recycling bins (STOP […]
The next Bwogger to pass through the gates of wisdom: Claire: legend, hero, and former Editor in Chief.
To close out the night, we bring you the man who brought you the honor code, P/D/F policy, automated add/drop and online waitlists, and many more… Name, Hometown, School: Steven Castellano; Middletown, NJ; Columbia College (Biophysics) Claim to fame? For most of my time, I was a chill, friendly guy who encouraged everyone to relax, But. This. […]
Today’s first Senior Wisdom: Rachel Ferrari, SGA hero and aiming for humble excellence. Name, Hometown, School: Rachel Ferrari, Jackson Heights, Queens, Barnard, bitches. Claim to fame? I’ve sat in a room for two hours every Monday night for four brutal years as a student government representative. I’m a huge nerd about it, but all the […]
Name, Hometown, School, Major: Jessica Blank, Livingston NJ, Barnard College, Political Science Claim to fame? I know who Millie the Bear is, bwog named a tag after me and I currently serve as Barnard’s SGA President. Where are you going? I want to roadtrip across America (or as of right now, just from Chicago to St. Louis) […]
Next up, the SGA Prez… Name, school: Lara Avsar, Barnard College Claim to fame: Some people know me as the President of Barnard’s Student Government Association. More people know me as the girl that really really loves homecoming. Where are you going? I still need to graduate so I’m taking a stats class this summer. […]
The Austin Quigley Black Box Theater was once temporarily renamed the Ajit C. Pillai Memorial Theater. Next, hear from the Swedish Lerner tech wizard, who hopes to match his father’s record of visiting all six inhabitable continents. Name, School: Ajit C. Pillai, SEAS ’11. Claim to Fame: Produced the 116th Annual Varsity Show, active in Columbia […]
Name, school: Jonathan Jager, GS/JTS Claim to fame: You may remember me from such places as the Marching Band (former Drum Major and Head Bananager) and various campus theatre events (CMTS, KCST, CUP, CUPAL, and the Theatre Department). I was also in an episode of BwogWeather. Where are you going? Uptown to live, downtown to work. I’ll […]
Bwog recently overheard a freshman wondering why two strangers were debating oral sex vs cheese. This can only mean one thing—it’s Senior Wisdom time. Every year, before the seniors head out into the big bad world, we invite them to reminisce. Leading the pack is Nina Pedrad—full disclosure: she’s a frequent fiction contributor to The […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025