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This morning presents another opportunity to see a leading figure in world affairs. You might not exactly understand what it is that this person does, and you might not pay a whole lot of attention to what they’re saying, but you can definitely tell your parents that you actually can’t talk right now because you’re […]
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A spokeswoman for Rick Santorum realized a little late that not all of Obama’s policies can be blamed on his radical Islamic nature. (Gawker) A Chicago public school teacher learned the hard way that you cannot, in fact, use racial slurs as teaching tools. (Gothamist) All the broke hipsters out there can no longer use […]
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Housing is rough, but we’re here for you. Send your questions to or leave ’em in the comments below! Q: How does Bwog recommend figuring out who gets the largest single in the suite? Does Hartley provide broadswords for this occasion? A: While there aren’t swords in Hartley, there are pool cues; but let that […]
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Chairs are perhaps the most important aspect of a library experience. Desks are fairly consistent, and lighting can be improvised. For those not brave enough to transgress the omnipresent line of chain-smoking architecture grad students, read on for a full review of how Avery’s chairs stack up against its rivals. The discerning Columbia student recognizes that the […]
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Early Wednesday morning, the Student Space Initiative, a group that’s planning to renovate Lerner Piano Lounge and Broadway Room to create a new student lounge, had a “very, very good” meeting with Dean Valentini, Dean Shollenberger and Dean Martinez. The team, armed with a resolution by all the councils that support their initiative, came with […]
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Dear Friends, The staff of The Blue & White, in all our writerly glory, would absolutely love to see your bright and shining faces at our meeting this evening. Find a warm shelter from the frigid cold in St. Paul’s Chapel, where we’ll discuss campus happenings, the upcoming March issue and the official launch of our […]
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Ever wondered what all those chemicals are in your deodorant or shampoo? Find out along with some carbon-friendly grub, even vegan pizza, at the Judith Shapiro Faculty Room on the second floor of the Diana Center at 7 pm at the EcoRep potluck. There, Siobhan O’Connor, co-author of No More Dirty Looks: The Truth About Your […]
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Who deserves to live in the brownstones on 114th street: FiJi, still exiled to EC; AXO, the only [PanHel] sorority without a house; a special interest community? Figure it out soon, because you might get to decide—or at least assist with making recommendations for a final decision! Terry Martinez, Dean of Community Development and Multicultural […]
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The ESC is rewarding those of you who decided to do something smart with your undergraduate degrees with a week of free food events, wholesome fun, and most importantly enough free t-shirts to fill your Wien double. Make sure to stop by one of the many events. There’s at least one every day in addition […]
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Jeffery Sachs was all like, “You’re a crude Keynesian” and then Krugman was all like, “Naw, bro.” (Business Week) Sharing is caring. But, maybe not too much? (Economist, NYT) If someone told you to jump over a bridge, let’s be real, you probably would. (HuffPo) Google’s been caught redhanded stealing from the Safari cookie jar. (Wired) […]
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Update: It’s the 118th Street Breakfast Cart! We just wanted to build some suspense. Last weekend, Bwog’s crack team of bracketologists debuted the Bwog Coffee Showdown, with the goal of finding the best cup of coffee in Morningside? Sure, you can read about Linsanity on any sports page, but only Bwog’s Sports Desk can provide in-depth coverage of Columbia’s […]
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This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024
This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can actually (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
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This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
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This is a great interview. Thanks for your bold and brave words. When things are as bad as they (read more)
Barnard AAUP President Frederick Neuhouser Shares Thoughts On Student Protests And Administrative Responses In 1968 And 2024
October 8, 2024

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