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Who cares if you don’t have a job? You know that four years at Columbia was worth every penny cuz being a CC senior entitles you to not one but two free t-shirts: a senior class shirt, and a 40 Days shirt! If you haven’t yet, you can pick yours up on the Lerner ramps […]
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As promised, the finalized Chewbacchanal schedule: Friday, April 23 Party with Chewbacca Revson Lawn, 12-3pm (next to Ancel Plaza on the bridge over Amsterdam) Free food, giveaways, music, photo ops with Chewy and life-size checkers! Saturday, April 24 Chewbacca’s Hope For Haiti Fundraiser 12-3pm, South Lawns Free food, giveaways, music, giant inflatable obstacle course and […]
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Gateway as you knew it will never be the same after IBM teams up with Columbia to turn SEAS green. (Solve Climate) SIPA’s proves that it’s possible to make quite the commotion by protesting on Facebook. (HuffPo) Our very own Juli Weiner gets noticed by The Drudge Report. (Wonkette) A monster of a Sorting Machine works […]
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202 Altschul (Barnard) COME WATCH the documentary “INVISIBLE CHILDREN” and SPEAK with an EX-CHILD SOLDIER and the FILMMAKERS. Plus… FREE FOOD and DESSERTS!!!!  First 100 people in the door get Magnolia cupcakes. What started out as an adventure in Africa, transformed into much more, when the three young American filmmakers found themselves stranded in Northern […]
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Office hours: they’re the best! For the latest in our ongoing series of professor interviews, Sam Schube spoke with old Bwog favorite Bruce Robbins. While you might know him from that one essay you skimmed for University Writing (that’d be “The Sweatshop Sublime”), Robbins is a man of many interests—chief among them plumbing and the […]
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Lots o’ free food coming atcha tonight. At 8pm in the Dodge Room at Earl Hall, Fatima Tsiouris (from the Mailman School of Public Health) will speak on “the burden of HIV/AIDS on women and children: transmission and treatment.” Thai food and snacks will be in abundance. Facebook event here. From there, dash over to […]
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The setting: Butler’s Catalog Room. The players: two freshman girls reading To The Lighthouse. A few alcoves over, a table is loudly laughing. Girl #1: That girl’s been laughing for hours. Girl #2: She’s probably reading To The Lighthouse. Ba-dum ching! Photo via Wikipedia
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Add these names to the list of famous and accomplished people to attend commencement on May 18th. Not that you aren’t all famous and accomplished, senior-people. The Medal of Excellence goes to really excellent Columbia alums under 45: Dana Schutz, School of the Arts ’02 Ron Gonen, Business ’04 Other honorary degrees of various flavors […]
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It’s an Every Other Wednesday, and that means another QuickTix—Bwog’s biweekly glance at what’s selling on and off campus. Thanks as always to the Arts Initiative for the statistics, and a tip: just about all of these–and more!–can be found on our Bucket List. Tickets sold for on-campus events this past week: 2313 And a […]
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“…no existence can be validly fulfilled if it is limited to itself.” -Simone de Beauvoir, 1948 This appears to be a trend!
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CEO, Shmee-E-O

SIPA students are unhappy, and not just because they have to smoke their cigarettes in that weird little buried courtyard. No, it’s something bigger: they’re unhappy with the school’s choice of graduate and trustee Vikram Pandit, the embattled CEO of Citigroup, as graduation speaker. While it may be harsh to call Pandit “One of the […]
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City doormen cut a deal with the city to avoid a strike. If you still shudder at the thought, though, here’s this handy door-opening guide. (NYT) Culinary wizard (and GS graduate) Jacques Pepin will speak at this year’s GS class day—bon appétit, or something. (Spec) British airports reopen, but the volcano whose name you can’t […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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