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@ Davis Auditorium, Schapiro CEPSR Dr. Shaw will be discussing his work in D. E. Shaw Research (“DESRES”) as chief scientist. RSVP today at!
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NYC Hackathon

NYC’s First Intercollegiate Hackathon – Friday, April 2nd, starting at 7pm and lasting 24 hours Meet top programmers & hackers from Columbia, NYU, UPenn, City College, Yale, Cooper Union, Brown, & Princeton. Learn about cool new technologies and APIs demoed by NYC’s top tech startups. Improve your hacking skills with tips and tricks from startup […]
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@ Satow Room Come to the FREE screening of Clint Eastwood’s Oscar-Winning film “Letters from Iwo Jima,” hosted by Columbia Japan Society! There will be a short introduction provided by Professor Carol Gluck, an expert in the field of WWII history, and an opportunity for discussion and a Q&A session with Professor Gluck following the […]
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The youngest-ever president of the NAACP, Ben Jealous, CC ’94, will be speaking at Columbia College’s Class Day. At a celebration tonight in Havana Central’s back room, Class Council 2010 President Cliff Massey revealed Jealous’s selection after weeks of speculation that saw names floated including Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan Jealous, who was involved with […]
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Now there’s a novel idea! The CQA will host another of their “Third Thursday” Speaker Series tonight. The event will focus on Religion and Sexuality, and speakers will include GS Dean Peter Awn and our very own Learned Foote, among several others. Free food happens at 7:30, and the discussion begins at 8, all in […]
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In case the weather wasn’t enough to tip you off, here’s another surefire sign that spring is here: lemonade is back at Oren’s!
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It’s been a while, but today feels like an alternate Wednesday. That means the return of QuickTix, a look at what’s selling and what’s for sale at the TIC.We’re experimenting with categories, but expect to find big sellers and recommendations next week. Tickets sold for campus events this past week: 457 And a few upcoming […]
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Earlier in the week, we posted a not-yet-finalized plan to increase the number of dorms with wireless internet starting in the fall. Now it’s official. Never again shall you trip over a stray ethernet cable in the middle of the night, and never again will you become frustrated when you realize you threw out last […]
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The Student Governing Board elected their new governing board last night in that most American of forums, the town hall meeting. Lisa Weber, CC ’11, will serve as chair for the organization, which represents “student organizations whose concerns are religious, spiritual, political, ideological, humanitarian or activist in nature.”  The meeting also determined just which student […]
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The benevolent gods of Columbia Facilities have chosen to smile down upon us today, stripping away the last of the tarps on Furnald Lawn and South Lawn. Usually we have to wait until the week before graduation for such a treat. Accuweather predicts a high of 58 today. To the lawns with you all!
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Bwoglines: Italics

Chewbacchanal is coming–and it’s in 3D! All of it! (Facebook) There are fewer people in Manhattan now than ten years ago? (The New York Times) King Tut to return. (New York Post) Cigarettes may get even more expensive. (Daily Intel) But New Yorkers want to replace them with those other cigarettes. (Gothamist)
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Roone Arledge Cinema Students for Sensible Drug Policy is excited to present 10 Rules for Dealing with Police, a Flex Your Rights production. 10 Rules for Dealing with Police is a comedic-but-informative look at the rights that citizens have when stopped or searched by police. The movie is particularly aimed towards youth and college students, […]
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Please renovate and expand the lobbies, lounges, and common spaces, especially in the freshman dorms. Bring back the chandeliers, wood (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 20, 2024
a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
September 19, 2024
this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024
Building inspections are a scam. Back in 2010 contractors reported little old ladies for illegal basements and the next day (read more)
Bwoglines: Typhoons And Media Tycoons Edition
September 19, 2024

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