I, like you, have a phone. That phone has apps.
We recently met with a gang of three GS guys — Roy Hermann, Gideon Mendels, and Luca Springer — who have created an app called Callouts. It launched this past week, and they’re celebrating its release at this week’s Senior Night. Basically, you connect to Facebook (though they promise nothing will ever be posted to your account) and, […]
Today fro 5-7 pm in the “main lounge” (we’re not sure either) of Lerner, there will be free apps provided by Lerner Operations–“and not the kind you download,” proving they’re hip with the kids. With any luck, these treats will include buffchick wings, mozz stix, and tons of fruits&veggies. No word on the presence of […]
Have you ever sent a document to the printer, taken the trek downstairs to print it out, only to discover the print job didn’t go through? Well, computer science major Jervis Muindi (SEAS ’13) has a solution for you: CU Print. This app for the Android platform (sorry, iOS users) is available free of charge […]
At one time, students arrived at Columbia with nothing in their backpacks but textbooks, notebooks, and a Macbook Pro. Such halcyon days are long gone now, and we’re sure that many members of the Class of 2015 have iPhones and Droids. Bwog’s own app aficionado Peter Sterne identifies the perfect app for… Navigating the City […]
Welcome back to SocketHop, where Bwog locks the few engineers on staff into a room and makes them explain things. We’ve covered tools to help you be more productive and new operating systems for your computer before, and today we take a look at a new Columbia app for your Android smartphone. That’s right, our […]
Now that’s a rhyme. Really though, two items of interest to our Chosen friends have made it into the ol’ inbox (full disclosure: Bwog’s current editor is a Papist). First, the lost amongst you no longer have to rely on your wandering skills to find the nearest synagogue. Columbia students Ron Gejman and Jacob Andreas […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025