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Posts Tagged with "hip with the kids"

Once in a while a new form of social media comes along for us to add to our already two page folder of social media apps on our phone. The latest craze amongst the kids (by this, we mean first years) is an app called Yik Yak. Much like Bored@Butler, the app allows for you to […]

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As if she weren’t already cool enough, DSpar took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge at Barnard’s Convocation for the Class of 2018. Watch below, or on Instagram. Image via Hannah Vega

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Bacchanal is mere days away. While some may be preoccupied with what they’ll be drinking or where they might find a toilet on Saturday, Anna Hotter is just worried about keeping up with the crazy kids and their music. If, like me, you’ve been living under a musical rock for the past 7 years, listening to […]

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As you’re rushing from Hamilton to Pupin and back again today, keep an ear out not just for midterms and finals information, but for what those old people in front of the lecture hall are actually saying in between the course requirements. On every first day of classes, professors break out the most politically incorrect […]

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Today fro 5-7 pm in the “main lounge” (we’re not sure either) of Lerner, there will be free apps provided by Lerner Operations–“and not the kind you download,” proving they’re hip with the kids.  With any luck, these treats will include buffchick wings, mozz stix, and tons of fruits&veggies.  No word on the presence of […]

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Tomorrow at 8 pm WKCR Offbeat is holding a pretty exciting concert at Shea Stadium (no, not that one) in Brooklyn.  Beat bopper Alexandra Svokos sat down with Concert Coordinator Thuto Somo to learn more. Bwog: What was the the Stretch Armstrong & Bobbito show on WKCR in the 1990s like?  Has KCR had other concerts like […]

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Opening Remarks

Whether you’re still shaking off your NSOP hangover, or have just realized that you need to take Music Hum, Art Hum, and all of your global core this year, the start of a new semester offers a fresh chance to hear world-renowned academics make awkward sex jokes. Here are this semester’s shining nuggets of wisdom […]

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CU, Abbrevs.

Welcome to campus, sweet ’16ers! Soon you’ll be thrust into a world where it seems like everyone speaks in TLA’s. Have no fear though—Bwog’s always posted this little guide to Columbia acronyms and initialisms, and we’ve updated the list just for you. The shrewd freshperson will write these on flashcards and memorize them all before […]

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It’s Official!

It’s spring break!  We know this because Ke$ho himself said it!  Wishing us a “happy, safe, and refreshing Spring Break,” Ke$ho has made the dream real in his annual Spring Break email.  We hope you enjoy your week off and have a sweet, relaxing time.  In the meantime, get closer to Ke$ho by welcoming him […]

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Wikipedia made the decision to black out on Wednesday for senior night to protest SOPA. (TIME) Operation Ivy League’s Michael Wymbs enrolled at City College; cue a headline so punny even the hippest of the kids will have to do a hip little head lilt and think hard for a minute. (Gothamist) Columbia word-play(a) virtuoso Finn Vigeland […]

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You may have noticed this dope ass coffee cup at Blue Java this past week. Columbia is no stranger to ’90s throwbacks, or puns. This cup seamlessly integrates both. According to Rosie Fernandez over at Dining, “This is a vintage blue java cup that we brought back for finals.” Can we keep ’em Pa, please? Cup […]

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Just kidding! This is a lecturehop, but it did involve mountains of Mario’s creations. Bwog’s favorite foodie, Brian Donahoe, was there. Thursday evening, Bwog passed through the ever-enticing yet forbidding door of Casa Italiana, and after making it past security and up an imposing marble staircase took a seat in the Italian Academy’s fabled ballroom […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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