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Posts Tagged with "Barnard SGA"

Barnard SGA Is Back!

Columbia students celebrating indigenous peoples day via Bwarchives

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Candidates took positions on a range of issues, from COVID policies to inclusive language implementation. 

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In the final SGA meeting of the semester, SGA’s Vice President for Finance, Danielle Hopkins BC ’21, presented the budget for the next academic year.

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This week, SGA Rep Council heard a presentation from Barnard Library that focused on the recent work that the Library has done toward improving accessibility and community outreach.

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Want to get to know President Beilock’s takes on the annual Leadership Assembly and more? You’ve come to the right place.

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SGA Wants Y’all To Be Safe

SGA meets at 8 pm every Monday in Diana 2! Last night, to improve the sleep quality of meeting attendees who are in the middle of pre-break midterm season, SGA met in the cozy and dimly lit Altschul Atrium instead. Bureau Chief Leena Chen managed to stay awake long enough to report on the event.

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Bwog Social Media Editor and Representative for Seven Sisters Relations on Barnard SGA Idris O’Neill is giving the lowdown on the changing SGA constitution. 

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This week, Barnard’s Student Government Association met to discuss finances, fundraising, and the new Student Leadership Collective charter. Slideshow projectors were forgotten, two members were online shopping, and the meeting neither started nor ended on time. All in all, a pretty exciting evening with SGA. COO Goldberg and VP Silver joined SGA to discuss how […]

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In this week’s survey of Barnard’s SGA meeting, Dassi Karp discusses recent Seven Sister Conference and campus health, among other Barnard related initiatives. So, Barnard’s Student Government Association met again. In a departure from recent excitement (mostly about Barnard Contingent Faculty/UAW dealings with the admission, which don’t seem to have advanced at all), this week’s […]

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