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Posts Tagged with "indigenous peoples day"

Welcome back to Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly roundup of science events happening around campus. As always, email if you want your event featured.

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Welcome back to Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly roundup of science events happening around campus. As always, email if you want your event featured.

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Barnard SGA Is Back!

Columbia students celebrating indigenous peoples day via Bwarchives

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This week, ESC talked to the Native Americans Council at Columbia about Indigenous Peoples Day and discussed how best to support them. ESC Bureau Chief Lori Luo reports.

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Bwogger Nadra Rahman sits in on an unexpectedly short CCSC meeting, bringing you all the printing quota and letter-writing info you desperately seek. CCSC operated efficiently last night, beginning the night with a brief printing quota Q&A with CUIT representatives. This was followed by a sort of re-enactment of last week’s meeting—at which UndoCU and […]

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Happening in the World: Turkey has issued a warrant for the arrest of a US consulate worker, the second case this week. Turkey has claimed that the workers have alleged ties to the 2016 attempted coup, as well as have negatively impacted their economy. (BBC) Happening in the US: Trump issued a list of demands to Congress […]

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Today at 6:oopm, Columbia will be honoring the Lenni-Lenape people by installing a plaque in John Jay Courtyard. The Lenape lived in this area before the colonization of the Americas, and the push for a plaque began last year when Columbia’s Native American Council started circulating a petition. This installation comes, of course, on Columbus Day, which […]

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Columbia University’s Native American Council will be celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day today, in lieu of Columbus Day, and with good reason—so take this opportunity to cast off second-grade history (replete with offensive pageants and revisionist history) and stop moaning about having class today. They will be on College Walk all day to promote several activities: there […]

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Columbia doesn’t officially recognize Columbus Day, but that doesn’t mean the day is free from controversy. For one thing, it is still an officially-sanctioned government holiday. Since there is literally nothing Columbia students can’t argue about, and yeah, this is an important issue, it’s no surprise that there are posters everywhere. Over the past week, […]

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