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Posts Tagged with "beats"

Sure, there’s a lot of weird shit on the Internet, but there’s also a lot of really fantastic reading accessible to you.  This week, two excellent works involving Columbia have been put on Longreads’ Top 5 Longreads of the Week.  First, Columbia Magazine put out a fascinating story about Lucien Carr, the man who essentially brought […]

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The “Beat Memories: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg” collection, currently on display at NYU’s Grey Art Gallery, is, to say enough, engaging. There’s certainly something subtly exciting about seeing a young William S. Burroughs with a young Jack Kerouac, but it suggests that excitement is better attributed to the subjects’ proto-celebrity rather than quality of […]

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As we mentioned earlier, Daniel Radcliffe was on campus today for Kill Your Darlings. He drew a crowd, whose general reaction was, “Wow, he sure is short.” Still can’t play Harry Potter, though. Kill Your Darlings, which is going to be about the Beats, features Radcliffe as a young Ginsberg. There’ll be murder and disillusion. There’ll be […]

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Last night, Bwog enjoyed the literary and cuisinary culture of the Latino-Caribbean  with the volunteers and novice poets of Voices UnBroken. Bwog arrived to the Voices UnBroken Poetry Slam a little late last night, but there were still plenty of maduros to be eaten and plenty of amateur poets to be heard. The reading drew […]

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Bwog Goes Beat

We got an inside sneak peak of the West End’s newly Cubanized interior earlier tonight when it opened its doors for the now-annual celebration of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and other Columbia-affiliated Beats, culminating in an enthusiastic reading of Ginsberg’s Howl. For an event devoted to subversive young artists, the ‘Stend’s new digs, not to […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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