Continuing our series of fictional Columbia Personas, we present our next victim subject: The Butler Beer Squatter. But first, a story… Whilst perusing some Communist literature in Ye Old Butler Library, one curious Bwogger happened upon the nest of a mysterious creature. In its den, the creature hoards beer cans and bottles from lands far, far […]
While the squirrel has long been Bwog’s rodent of choice, recent events have placed his smaller, cuter cousin in the Bwoggy spotlight. Senior Staff Writer and Art Spiegelman fan Alexander Pines brings you this continuation of the mouse chronicles at Columbia. Look, it’s getting cold and a mouse has got to eat. We’ve about given up on Absolute, m2m, […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025