Take some afternoon senior wisdom from outgoing SGA President, Julia Qian! Name, School, Major, Hometown: Julia Qian, Barnard College, History, Athena Scholar, Hangzhou, China (that’s where Alibaba was founded, just saying) Claim to fame: SGA prez for 2014-2015, a proud member of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Senior Interviewer, Global Symposium Fellow… Where are you going? On my way to get a Claudia’s […]
Your Sunday night wouldn’t be complete with at least one more senior wisdom. Next, we bring you some wisdom from Aviva Nassimi. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Aviva Nassimi, Barnard College, Psychology/Political Science Minor, Long Island, NY Claim to fame: Maybe I was your RA, your TA, your speaking fellow, or the girl you saw searching “Puppies […]
With the last weekend of the semester wrapping up, we bring you yet another senior wisdom to inspire you to push through the rest of finals. Today we begin with some wisdom from Zoe Ridolfi-Starr. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Zoe Ridolfi-Starr, Columbia College, Political Science, San Jose CA Claim to fame: Your friendly neighborhood angry feminist! Organized […]
In case one wasn’t enough for you today, here’s another Senior Wisdom! Check out what advice GS/JTS/VShow superstar Molly Heller has to offer. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Molly Heller, GS/JTS, Theatre and Drama Arts (Acting Concentration) at Columbia and Modern Jewish Studies at JTS, Palos Verdes, CA Claim to fame: Director of the 121st Annual Varsity Show, I crossed 110th Street in […]
Senior wisdoms continue today with Carly, aka that girl you maybe know from Jewish summer camp. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Carly, Barnard, English (Creative Writing & Theater Concentrations), Los Angeles Claim to fame: I’m that girl who sort of looks like your friend from Jewish summer camp/I probably spilled coffee or tripped in front of […]
Who better to get some Senior Wisdom from than the gal that won the position of Barnard senior class president? Up next, we introduce the wisdom of Layla Tavangar. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Layla Tavangar, Barnard, Economics & Psychology, Berwyn, PA Claim to fame: Barnard Senior Class President, Ex-Treasurer and glorified non-musician in the CUMB, […]
To help ease your woes on the first day of finals, we bring you yet another Senior Wisdom from former CU Dems prez Sejal Singh. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Sejal Singh, Columbia College, Political Science. “Hometown” is always a tough one for me, because I moved around a bit – I was born in Allentown, […]
Not enough CUMB for you with just one CUMBers senior wisdom? Next, we bring you former CUMB Minister of Propaganda Orli Matlow. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Orli Matlow, GS/JTS, American Studies, Toronto, Canada Claim to fame: Former CUMB Minister of Propaganda, Spec videos, the Getting Graphic series on Spectrum, Jester standup shows. Lorne Michaels is my […]
In honor of Orgo Night, we thought it would be fitting to feature some CUMBers in today’s senior wisdoms. First, we bring you former Orgo Night writer and Spectator columnist, Ziyad Abdelfattah. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Ziyad Abdelfattah, Columbia College, Political Science + Music, Berkeley, CA. Claim to fame: I did Orgo Night a couple of times, […]
As finals approach, we’re rolling out even more senior wisdoms. Today, we bring you wisdom from SEAS student Katherina Barguil. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Katherina Barguil; SEAS; Civil Engineering (Water Resources); Cartagena, Colombia Claim to fame: Once smuggled 40 bananas out of John Jay at a single dinner; I am also the person who caused the burn […]
Got wisdom? Luckily, senior Doug Kronaizl does. We enlisted him to give us our daily dose of all that is wise in today’s senior wisdom. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Doug Kronaizl, Vermillion, SD, Columbia College, History Claim to fame: Grand Poobah, Music Director, and resident Mariah Carey of the Columbia Kingsmen. I’m also a member of the elite 0.1% […]
Now that classes are over and you can no longer glean enlightenment from your professors, Bwog has got you covered with your much-needed daily dose of wisdom. Here’s BC senior Caleb LoSchiavo’s senior wisdom to get you going. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Caleb LoSchiavo, “The College” (Barnard), Psychology major and Italian minor, hailing from Wyckoff, NJ […]
Feeling as if you need a little more wisdom in your life? Here’s CC senior Ben Caine’s senior wisdom to get you through. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Ben Caine; CC; Applied Math; Newton, MA Claim to fame: You know how, when something’s good, people sometimes say, “v. good”? I started that. Where are you going? […]
With the weekend wrapping up, we bring you a Senior Wisdom from Hari Nef to give you something to procrastinate with in Butler. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Hari Nef, Columbia College, Drama & Theater Arts (Acting Concentration), Newton, MA Claim to fame: Fun and trans! Where are you going? Rehearsal… What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like […]
Up next for Senior Wisdoms, we bring you Barnard’s resident funny gal, Simone Norman. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Simone Norman, Barnard, Psychology/Linguistics major and Italian minor, from Eastchester, New York Claim to fame: Recent president of Chowdah Sketch Comedy, current Co-President of Control Top Improv, various XMAS!’s and other hot theater stuff. If you took […]
A Runner’s Guide To Morningside Heights
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 31, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 30, 2025