Only a short time remains for CC and SEAS students to vote in this year’s student council elections, but Bwog is still here with one more endorsement post: we support Henry Feldman, CC ’21, for CCSC Student Services Representative. Feldman is aware of the problems that many Columbia students encounter daily and aims to reduce the impact […]
After Bacchanal, there’s nothing we want to do more than dive straight into CCSC—or at least, that’s the case for Bureau Chief Nadra Rahman, reporting straight from the Satow Room. After a holiday hiatus, CCSC is back at it and better than ever, focusing their time on directing waves of quiet rage at the administration. Last […]
You know Spring Break is really over when CCSC is back again. A despondent Nadra Rahman reports from the Satow Room. It’s not always great when CCSC enters (inter)national debates, but they gave it a shot again last night, discussing what role to play in the gun safety conversation taking place across the country. Because it’s […]
The navel-gazing was intense last night. Bureau Chief Nadra Rahman reports straight from the 212. Last night, CCSC took a picture of itself. It was ostensibly for the yearbook. E-board, class councils, and at-large members milled about, searching for direction. People (jokingly) fought to stand next to 2018 Rep Lord Hyeamang, who if you don’t […]
Back in the Satow Room, B-w-o-g-g-e-r Nadra Rahman reports on the salacious goings-on of our student government. This meeting ended 10 minutes early. With nothing to vote on, CCSC resorted to discussing upcoming events (Staff Appreciation Week!) and policy changes. And yet, we’re not sure if anything substantive emerged. Security And Facilities Fund Much ado has […]
We’re not in Kansas anymore. CCSC Bureau Chief Nadra Rahman reports on our fave student leaders, not from the Satow Room, but from the far less pleasant-sounding 476A. Oh, and the Roosevelt Institute is there and wants us to go green. For a change of pace, last night’s CCSC meeting took place in 476A, one […]
After a week off, CCSC is back and better than ever, tackling the needs and demands of the students. Sit down, buckle up, and enjoy this recap of the weekly meeting by Bwogger Nadra. Though you might not expect it from Columbia students, last week’s CCSC meeting was cancelled to accommodate the Super Bowl. Luckily, our […]
Another week, another CCSC meeting. This time, Bwog Staffer Nadra writes on the complexities of CCSC that make you ponder if they’re actually doing anything. More than you’d expect, as it turns out. Last night, CCSC unveiled a draft of its Fall 2017 Semester Report, soon to make its way into your inboxes. It’s filled […]
It’s a whole new CCSC, and Monday mood board Nadra Rahman is here to report on it. Welcome back to CCSC recaps—believe it or not, last night was the first Sunday since we’ve returned from break (XD). Appropriately, President Nathan Rosin inaugurated the semester donning his monstrous Secret Snowflake gift from last semester, a shirt featuring […]
Bwogger Nadra Rahman reports on administrative updates and our upstanding student leaders. Scott Wright (VP of Campus Services) and Ixchel Rosal (Assistant VP of University Life) paid CCSC a visit last night to answer questions about space, wellness, and university initiatives. Thankfully, they left before our student leaders exchanged Secret Snowflake gifts—which ranged from the […]
Did you guys go to the “Columbia College Winter Celebration” tonight? Did you enjoy jockeying in an unruly hoard for free mugs and t-shirts as Deantini watched on with empty eyes? Did you feel like part of a community? Check out the cover photo for the Facebook event above–why is “and the opportunity to meet […]
Bwogger Nadra Rahman gave up on student groups after being rejected from EcoReps her freshman year, so this might be a good idea. In the second-to-last meeting of 2017, CCSC took a step back and focused on an initiative that the Finance Committee has been working on all semester—student group reform. In case you’ve missed the […]
Though she was locked out for most of the meeting, Bwogger Nadra Rahman is here to deliver you your Monday medley of CCSC news. This time, CCSC feels its own mortality. CCSC won’t be the same next year, or for that matter, next semester—and that’s what last night’s meeting was all about. After lengthy deliberations, […]
CCSC keeps drinking haterade, and Bwogger Nadra Rahman is here to give you some secondhand hydration. And yup, there are CUCR updates. CCSC returned to its regular programming last night (after a particularly spicy meeting two weeks ago), with the bulk of the meeting time focused on the student advising system. But before that, members […]
It’s the return of three hour CCSC meetings! Bwogger Nadra Rahman reports on Republicans, retorts, and well-meaning reports. Oh, and there are a few updates on Lerner space. The Columbia University College Republicans (CUCR) have come under fire this semester, drawing attention for hosting white nationalist Tommy Robinson at a heavily-protested campus event, and for planning […]
A Runner’s Guide To Morningside Heights
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 31, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 30, 2025