Dear Bwog, What’s the deal with the rolling chairs? Does everyone have to get one? I like rocking like a grandpa in my old chair. – Declare Chair Repair Unfair Dear Declare, From what Bwog has been able to discover, some dorms had all of their old desk chairs replaced with the new rolling […]
In a press release this afternoon, PrezBo announced the next dean of the Law School, Gillian Lester. Lester presently serves as the acting dean of Berkeley Law and will “bring accomplished scholarship, admired teaching and first-hand academic leadership experience at a great peer institution to her new role at Columbia.” Lester’s work has dealt primarily with employment […]
Update (12:01 am): The @CUSenate has released information about the town hall meeting. See it below the jump. In a press release this afternoon, the Columbia College delegates to the University Senate gave an update on the work they and others have been doing concerning sexual assault policy and education at Columbia. You can see the full […]
School of General Studies just announced that starting this term, they will only be offering Bachelor of Arts degrees. In an email to GS students, Dean Peter Awn described the rationale of the change as having to do with GS becoming “a fully integrated liberal arts college.” The change seems likely because of the amount […]
In a press release this evening, the Coalition Against Sexual Violence has released a list of comprehensive reforms they’d like to see made with respect to the sexual assault policy here at Columbia. This comes after yesterday’s community forum in Lerner where participants were asked to make policy suggestions and proposal edits. The proposals constitute […]
According to the Spectator, the swanky new tables (which, according to rumors Bwog’s friends have heard, is supposed to promote community at Columbia) in Ferris are not the only changes coming to the dining hall. Spec reports that, a year following the renovations to John Jay, Ferris may be getting a new serving area and (wait for it) […]
New signs! Citi was on fire (you probably noticed that one)! The Heights is out of action for a “couple of weeks at least, maybe a couple of months” according to Spec!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025