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Posts Tagged with "sexual assault"

Marcelo Velez, Vice President of the Manhattanville expansion project, was arrested on January 4 in Bergen County for alleged sexual assault of a minor.

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Wednesday, a diverse panel of reflected on the Me Too movement one year after Christine Blasey Ford.

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Editor’s note: This article contains descriptions of sexual assault. Seventeen women, all but one of whom declined to be named, are suing Columbia University and affiliated hospitals. The women claim that the institutions “committed negligence and fraud as part of a ‘massive coverup’ of an obstetrician’s sexual abuse of patients for more than 20 years,” […]

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Yesterday, Dr. William Harris, a Columbia professor of Greco-Roman history, retired, as was announced in an email to students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. This retirement was part of the settlement of a sexual harassment lawsuit filed in October. An anonymous graduate student alleged that Dr. Harris repeatedly kissed and groped her, […]

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Edited, 11/14/17, 7:46 pm to reflect further investigation. Early last Friday, Bwog received an anonymous tip from a member of the Barnard/Columbia theater community. This student claimed that a member of the creative team sexually assaulted her in spring of 2016. Student theater leaders who chose the creative team knew of the assault before appointing […]

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Editor’s Note: This article describes and discusses details of sexual assault. All documents provided are Public Domain and come from the docket of the Southern District Court of New York. According to the docket of the Southern District Court of New York, Defendant Columbia University and Plaintiff Amelia Roskin-Frazee will voice their oral arguments on August […]

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Last night, a group of activists marched to “took back the night,” in our campus’s annual Take Back the Night event to raise awareness to end sexual violence. Bwogger Jessa Nootbaar was there to record the action, and she only wishes she’d been joined by more community members. When a member of Take Back the […]

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A Clery Crime Alert was sent out tonight reporting a sexual assault in the East Campus residence hall on Saturday, November 21st between 3:00 and 4:30 in the morning. The text is included below: On Saturday November 21, 2015 Public Safety was notified of a sexual assault that occurred inside of East Campus between the hours of 3:00am […]

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The Association of American Universities (AAU) conducted a sexual assault survey at 27 of its member institutions, including Columbia. In the executive summary written by Columbia faculty, topics such as the prevalence of sexual assault, the groups most at risk, the role of alcohol and drugs, and the reporting of assault were explored. In an email, […]

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News Editor Eric Cohn raises some points of concern with Columbia’s new sexual respect program. Recently, I contacted Dean Kromm asking her whether faculty and staff are required to go through any sort of sexual respect training, as is now required for students. In an official university statement from Associate Vice President for Media Relations Robert Hornsby, I learned […]

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Bwog Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen discusses the recent news. On Wednesday, February 11, Columbia undergraduates received emails from their schools’ deans alerting them to a new sexual respect program. The “University Initiative on Sexual Respect and Community Citizenship,” as Deans Valentini and Boyce refer to it — or Dean Awn’s gentler “Sexual Respect: Engaging […]

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Two anonymous baby Bwoggers present their review of Orgo Night: Fall 2014 Edition. We sent the freshmen because they didn’t know what to expect. Also they’re less jaded. Last night at 11:30pm in Butler 209, everyone realized—probably—that they had forgotten to take a shower. Sweaty bodies in sweaty sweaters carrying their sweaty parkas milled around […]

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Just in time for the release of the December issue of our beloved Mother Magazine, The Blue and White, Bwog is proud to present this overview of recent campus sexual assault activism written by Senior Editor Hallie Nell Swanson, CC ’16. If you haven’t already, be sure to read former Managing Editor Anna Bahr’s two-part […]

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Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. Take a study break from midterms to check out interesting guest lecturers and special events on campus! Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. If you notice any events that have been left off the list, or a […]

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The school year’s first University Senate meeting opened with a speech by Prezbo where he gave his perspective on the present and future of Columbia. He said that Columbia is in one of its “greatest eras.” He gave compliments to the new and some of the returning deans, praised the architectural changes around Columbia, and […]

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