On Wednesday night, Columbia Global Centers hosted a virtual panel as the first in a series of Amerfrican Dialogue and the fourth in a series of Brazil-Peru meetings on Black women, decoloniality, and activism in Latin America. Bwog Staffer Obutor Ogonor covers the event.
Tonight, from 7:30 to 9:30 PM in the John Jay Lounge, CCSC ’14 is hosting an event that’ll fill your heart and your stomach. This is for students of all years though! There will be free cookies and hot chocolate for everyone, as well as gingerbread houses to decorate, paper snowflakes to cut, and stocking stuffer […]
Good samaritans and community crusaders assemble! The Barnard Community Service Fair will take place today from 11:30 am to 2pm in the Diana Center Event Oval. Stop by to sign up with one of the many service organizations that will be attending.
Are you feeling guilty about taking free food from clubs you have no interest in joining, but still hungry and broke? Head to 229 Thompson Hall in Teachers College this afternoon from 3–4 pm and volunteer to help out at the closing ceremony of Battle of the Books, a program that encourages West Harlem elementary […]
It’s kind of hard to be thankful for Columbia at the end of November. Finals and papers loom, everyone suddenly remembers what school is like when it’s cold, and you’re just waiting for that “oh shiiiiit” moment the Monday you get back from break. We’re happy to be away this weekend, too, but we figured […]
The campaign for Columbia Community Service, which supports the University’s community outreach programs in the area, officially begins today with an open house and free lunch in Low Rotunda from 11:30 to 1:30. Stop by to find out about the programs Columbia supports, and probably eat something too. Image via Wikimedia Commons
Kenneth Cole, a fashion designer who has weird, earnest, sometimes squirmy billboards on the West Side Highway, is teaming up with CC and SEAS to launch the Kenneth Cole Community Engagement Program in the fall. Want to know what that is? Kay. Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc., CC, SEAS, Center for Career Education and Student Affairs […]
Columbia Community Outreach 2010 still rocked out on the steps and saved the world despite the winter weather amidst our long-awaited Spring. Photos by RSN
The Grant Houses Community Garden Project is exactly what it sounds like. Columbia students want to help public housing residents just north of us build a garden for communal use that could become a sustainable and nutritious food source as well as a source of community pride. Liz Naiden reports on the saga of this […]
Three distinct opportunities to eat for free and check out ways to serve little kids, the world, or just, you know, the community. Read to kids at Project Sunshine, save the world at Amnesty International, or impact your community at � Community Impact! All three organizations are holding interest meetings tonight. Community Impact�s open house […]
Bwog was just stopped by a pair of high school pollsters from New York’s Urban Academy, looking for Columbia students’ opinions on the upcoming election for a project. Help ’em out! The young lady is wearing a purple jacket, the young man is sporting a navy blue backwards cap. They’re outside Lerner holding clipboards now. […]
Bwog doesn’t know whether this New York Times story about engineers earning credit for service projects in Harlem was originally supposed to run yesterday, but, regardless, we doff our collective (and imaginary) caps to the Grey Lady for its sense of timing. In short, the engineering school allows students to earn class credit while doing […]
The world of community service opened wide today in Earl Hall, where student group Community Impact held an open house in an attempt to rope in volunteers. Bwogger Tony Gong reports. Presenting yourself at community service group fairs can be tricky. Ideally, you should display a certain level of enthusiasm. But how eager can you […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025