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Posts Tagged with "racism"

On Wednesday night, Columbia Global Centers hosted a virtual panel as the first in a series of Amerfrican Dialogue and the fourth in a series of Brazil-Peru meetings on Black women, decoloniality, and activism in Latin America. Bwog Staffer Obutor Ogonor covers the event.

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This past Friday Guest Writers Ava Slocum and Obutor Ogonor attended the first lecture of the year in Columbia Medical Center’s Implementation Science Seminar on Health Equity. 

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On September 16th, Dr. Waverly Duck gave a lecture on the sociology of tacit racism as part of an ongoing lecture series at the Center for Research on People of Color.

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Adjunct Professor of the University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights used an anti-Black slur several times in a Zoom class.

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On Saturday night, Bwog received screenshots of messages from the GroupMe of Columbia’s chapter of Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI).

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Bwog recently received screenshots of a Class of 2017 Wrestling Team GroupMe. The screenshots, which contain messages spanning from 2014 to a few days ago, are troubling—the men in the group message mock women’s appearances, make jokes about rape, use homophobic and racist slurs, and engage in other distasteful interactions. After requesting a statement from […]

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Have you had your fake ID, or your dignity, or both, damaged by the Mel’s bouncer? 100% of you should’ve answered “yes.” One brave Bwogger has a response. Dear asshole, I never thought I would have to write a letter like this after high school. I thought my days of dolling up for a man’s […]

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PrezBo’s Defense of Affirmative Action and Discussion of Columbia’s Racial Policy At the beginning of Friday’s University Senate plenary, PrezBo gave a long speech about racism and the university’s role therein. His speech was historical in nature, starting with the Supreme Court decision Brown vs. The Board of Education, which struck down segregated public schooling […]

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Some Columbia related news passed in the month of August.  We rounded it up for you: Aditya Mukerjee, CC ’12 and the former publisher of Spec, was detained at the airport after setting off an alarm because he had bedbug spray residue on his hands. “You’ve got to understand, when someone of your background, traveling […]

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Update: Athletic Director M. Dianne Murphy and Coach Pete Mangurian have released their own statement; their letter is after the jump. Update #2: Aaaand another one, from OMA. Also after the jump. Deans Valentini, Goldfarb, Awn, and Director of Athletics M. Dianne Murphy have just released a statement to the Columbia community on the recent hate […]

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In light of yesterday’s news that sophomore Chad Washington was charged with a hate crime and the allegations that more people were involved in the incident, many were intrigued by the CU Football team’s impressively unprotected Twitter accounts. An hour ago, WKCR Sports tweeted a link to an Imgur album with a good number of […]

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It seems that nowadays, nobody is safe from persecution. Gender, race, weight, and economic groups of all kinds are judged and grouped together as inferior. Now, Bwog has overheard that another group is also being oppressed: “All men in headphones look the same? Did you just say that? That’s like…racist.” Men in headphones have to […]

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Oscar-winning actor Forest Whitaker claims that he was accused of shoplifting at Milano’s Deli and then stopped and frisked by an employee! Whitaker was initially shocked, but he consented to the search. The actor did not report the incident to any authority figure at the request of the worker who was afraid that he would […]

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First came the lice. They invaded the heads (and sheets, and clothes, and pillows) of the girls of the Barnard Quad back in October. Next up on the nuisance continuum: “racist” graffiti.  It’s barely eight hours into the first day of the semester, and controversy has already erupted in the form of graffiti scribbled on […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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