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Posts Tagged with "DACA"
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The Future of DACA

On Wednesday, December 7th, SIPA hosted an event regarding the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act following its repeal by President Trump. Staff writer Megan Wylie went to the timely event which featured a keynote address from Speaker of the City Council, Melissa Mark-Viverito and a diverse panel of professors and community activists. […]

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We got to chill with PrezBo last night while he talked to students and answered questions at the Fireside Chat. Alma Bwogger Rachel Deal was there to tell you what he said and to get a pic with the man of the hour (who, as always, was squinting in the photo). Last night, President Bollinger […]

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Earlier this afternoon, Jomysha Delgado Stephen, President Beilock’s Chief of Staff, sent out an email to the Barnard community about immigration policy information sessions that will be held for students and other community members who are permanent residents, holders of visas, undocumented, or otherwise possibly affected by recent changes to the DACA program. These sessions will be […]

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Executive Vice President for University Student Life Suzanne Goldberg released a statement via email to the Columbia community Tuesday afternoon in response to the day’s announcement of the end of the DACA program. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals protected “some of our students and… nearly 800,000 undocumented young people nationwide,” but will officially end on March […]

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Following Donald Trump’s presidential victory on November 8th, student concerns were raised about the safety of Columbia students who are undocumented immigrants. Trump has repeatedly threatened to repeal Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA), an order that protects undocumented immigrants from deportation and allows them to work/study in the United States. Should DACA be revoked, immigrants who were protected […]

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