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Posts Tagged with "provost"

Bell will end her tenure as both Provost and Dean of the Faculty at Barnard in 2024, but will remain a part of the College’s faculty as a researcher and will resume teaching after a sabbatical.

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This Monday, SGA learned two new Scrabble words and heard from DeShaunta Johnson, Ph. D., of the Ombuds office and Provost Linda A. Bell.

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In an email sent to Columbia students and faculty Friday, President Lee Bollinger announced the appointment of Ira Katznelson, CC ’66, to the interim position of university provost.

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John Henry Coatsworth, the Provost of Columbia University, will resign from his position on June 30, 2019, according to an email sent out by University President Lee Bollinger early this morning.

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Following Donald Trump’s presidential victory on November 8th, student concerns were raised about the safety of Columbia students who are undocumented immigrants. Trump has repeatedly threatened to repeal Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA), an order that protects undocumented immigrants from deportation and allows them to work/study in the United States. Should DACA be revoked, immigrants who were protected […]

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PrezBo’s Defense of Affirmative Action and Discussion of Columbia’s Racial Policy At the beginning of Friday’s University Senate plenary, PrezBo gave a long speech about racism and the university’s role therein. His speech was historical in nature, starting with the Supreme Court decision Brown vs. The Board of Education, which struck down segregated public schooling […]

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Linda Bell begins her tenure as Barnard’s new provost today, following the departure this fall of interim provost Paul Hertz, who took over following the departure of Provost Emerita Elizabeth Boylan in June of 2011. Bell comes to Barnard, in turn, following her own departure from Haverford where she has spent the last five years […]

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In the latest installment of unexpected email announcements, PrezBo has just sent word that Interim Provost John Coatsworth will assume the permanent Provost position. Coatsworth, former SIPA dean, took over for Claude Steele on July 1, 2011, when Steele made the move out West to Stanford. Writes ‘Bo: “Provost is responsible for ensuring that the University’s […]

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President Bollinger just sent out an email announcing that John Henry Coatsworth, current Dean of SIPA and owner of the name to end all names, will assume the duties of University Provost starting July 1. With the recent loss of Claude Steele to Stanford, Coatsworth will serve as Interim Provost until PrezBo and “a small […]

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Crazy news, good peoples: Claude M. Steele—University Provost and person whose name you’ve seen on emails so often you feel like you know him—has resigned. Stanford, former home to Steele for nearly two decades, offered him the position of Dean of the School of Education. Steele had only just arrived at Columbia from Stanford in 2009. […]

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PrezBo has handed down an email from on high announcing that Stanford’s Dr. Claude M. Steele will be the next University Provost. Steele “is currently the Lucie Stern Professor in the Social Sciences at Stanford University, where he has taught since 1991. He also currently serves as the Director of the Center for Advanced Study […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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