It’s election season, and intrepid young GS bureau chief Zoe Sottile is bringing you the latest and greatest from GSSC’s candidates debate last night. First of all, GSSC both had pizza and saved me a seat for the debates. Y’all, GSSC is truly the best. Each candidate had two minute to present their platform and […]
Today was the official Sandwich Ambassador candidate debate. Bwog sent Joseph Milholland, Satow Room Chief and Sandwich Fan, to cover the event. It was less than exciting. At the beginning of the scheduled half hour for the Sandwich Ambassador Debate, only one candidate, first-year Joshua Burton, had shown up in the Satow Room. Of the […]
Sweaty young adults and power struggle are main components of any Sunday brunch so head on over to Lerner this afternoon after that yummy omelette to watch the CCSC and ESC debates. Everyone loves a good debate and these are sure to be party. Here are the following times and locations for the various groups: […]
Welcome to the University Senate elections debate. We will be liveblogging the proceedings as the candidates make their stand at the Satow Room in Lerner. Learn more about half of the candidates here, we’ll have the other half for you tomorrow. [liveblog] 4:34: We’re hangin’ here waiting for the debate to begin. Pizza is being […]
Bwog politicos Maren Killackey, Kyra Bloom, and Zach Collazzo are live at the the contentious CCSC 2016 debate. Update: The debate has ended. Here’s a transcript of the coverage: 5:31 pm Hey guys, this is Zac and Kyra coming to you live from the Satow Room 5:34 The room is full of nervous, excited freshmen […]
Last night, the Columbia Republicans and Democrats met in Hamilton for a debate on energy policy. Karen Leung has this piquant dispatch (all opinions are her own–read Spec for the bland version). The best moments of political analysis at last night’s energy policy debate came from Tedde Tsang, who spoke to no one. Tsang, three […]
On Friday, lecture hopper extraordinaire Josh Mathew took the walk down to St. Mary‘s Episcopal church in Harlem to hear two scholars duke it out on the question of Israel and Palestine. After making my way past the numerous activists handing out fliers condemning the war in Iraq and the U.S.’s conceivable Iranian escapades, I […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025