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Posts Tagged with "candidates"

In the second exciting meeting of the General Studies Student Council, Acting Dean of Students Ivonne Rojas dropped by as a guest speaker for a Q&A, followed by the interview and appointment of nominees to the council! Brand spanking new GS bureau chief Andrew Chee brings you the exhilarating run down of all the nominees! Q&A […]

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It’s election season, and intrepid young GS bureau chief Zoe Sottile is bringing you the latest and greatest from GSSC’s candidates debate last night. First of all, GSSC both had pizza and saved me a seat for the debates. Y’all, GSSC is truly the best. Each candidate had two minute to present their platform and […]

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SGA has announced the list of candidates for this week’s online election (go to myBarnard, bears!) from 12 pm Tuesday – 12 pm Friday . The Candidates’ Forum will take place this Sunday, April 17th, in Diana LL103 at 4pm. You can hear speeches and ask questions.

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Boy oh boy. Yesterday evening, the Columbia Elections Board posted the official ballot items for the Spring 2014 Special Election, including the list of candidates running to occupy the seat left vacant after Ben Kornick’s resignation.  You can find the list of candidates below. The board is also including a referendum on the ballot to […]

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ESC Candidates Announced

Ladies and Gentlemen, your candidates for 2012-2013 Engineering Student Council. Campaigning officially begins today, so prepare to feel valued like never before. Voting will open next week at 9 am on Monday, April 2nd, and will continue until 5 pm on Thursday, April 5th. Also keep in mind that the candidates’ forum will be held […]

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We’re back which means that CCSC has a new list of candidates for the upcoming Spring Elections. Campaigning begins next Monday, March 26th, and online voting polls will open at 9 am on April 2nd and run until 5 pm on April 5th. Take your pick. Executive Board The 212 Karishma Habbu (President) Will Hughes […]

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The Elections Board has released the full set of candidates for this year’s CCSC elections, and there are lots them! Nearly every election is contested. Five parties and an independent rep, are vying to represent 2013, while three full parties are each gunning for 2014 class council and the E-board. The race for the 2012 […]

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The SGO was hopping tonight, as candidates filed for their positions for the upcoming CCSC election, putting an end to days of intense speculation. The CCSC President’s race was especially full of surprises, as a number of rumored candidates (George Krebs, Felipe Tarud, Chris Kulawik, Josh Lipsky, Will Snider) did not run (choosing, respectively, ’09 […]

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US Presidential candidates form exploratory committees. CCSC presidential candidates, it seems, get quoted in the Spectator as being interested in the top job, as George Krebs and Michelle Diamond (basically) did in Friday’s issue. Because it’s never too early to engage in wild speculation (and because we’re already tired of Obama) Bwog presents this survey […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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