Professor David Eisenbach CC ‘94, TC ‘95 , GSAS ‘06 is running in the February 26th special election for the post of New York City Public Advocate. This is Eisenbach’s second bid for the seat, after a previous defeat in 2017.
Sassy young Newsletter Editor Zoe Sottile thought the Philolexian Society was fake until last night. But, goaded on by some friends and her journalistic curiosity, she attended the Society’s 33rd Annual Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest. I’ve never felt more like a liberal arts student than arriving at Havemeyer 309 last night to […]
Newly crowned GSSC Bureau Chief Zöe Sottile swung by the Satow Room to cover this week’s meeting of General Studies Student Council. If you want to watch the drama and discourse yourself, check out GSSC at 8 pm on Tuesday nights. General! Studies! Student! Council! This is the week of elections, so get out there […]
It’s election season, and intrepid young GS bureau chief Zoe Sottile is bringing you the latest and greatest from GSSC’s candidates debate last night. First of all, GSSC both had pizza and saved me a seat for the debates. Y’all, GSSC is truly the best. Each candidate had two minute to present their platform and […]
We’re back with our weekly ESC coverage! WikiCU is making a comeback, and despite what VP Communications Julia Joern said in meeting, we would like to state that it wasn’t Bwog’s fault that it’s been inactive–we just no longer had access to it due to a former tech guy not passing along the admin login. […]
For a brief change in pace, staff writer Zöe Sottile made her way to the Satow Room at 8:00 pm for General Studies Student Council. This week, GSSC’s main priorities were evaluating nominees for a few representative positions as well as the upcoming GS Gala. As someone who has previously covered ESC meetings, I was […]
On Tuesday evening, Bwogger Jake Tibbetts made his way to the Maison Française East Gallery to listen to Professor Bernard Harcourt discuss his new book, The Counterrevolution: How Our Government Went to War Against Its Own Citizens, with fellow political theorists Seyla Benhabib of Yale University and Uday Singh Mehta of the City University of New […]
Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025Maati Katha Is A Groundbreaking Performance
February 8, 2025Classes Bwoggers Dropped This Semester And Why
February 7, 2025