In the latest issue of The Blue & White, senior editor Hannah Lepow explores the oft-forgotten Roerich Museum, on 107th street between Broadway and Riverside. Beyond the familiar corners of 107th Street, where O’Connell’s and Lime Leaf duel for undergraduate attention, lies a little-known oasis of quiet. The Nicholas Roerich Museum, tucked away in an […]
These excerpts were culled from documents left on Columbia’s lab computers. Let them inspire you, and please submit your own digitalia finds to The Blue & White at *** Title for a Hamlet paper: ‘One of These Danes is Not Like the Other’ or: How I Learned to Start Worrying about Character and Love […]
The Swim team beat Brown at Homecoming this past weekend! To celebrate, we bring you a bit of gossip from the latest issue of the Blue and White… Keep sending your silliest and strangest stories to Each week, the swim team coach buys 150 bottles of Ronnybrook Farm chocolate milk at the greenmarket to […]
In the latest issue of the Blue & White, Carolyn Ruvkun hangs with her heroes, the bubbly bibliophiles of Columbia libraries. “We have a responsibility to posterity,” explains Karen Green, Columbia Librarian for Medieval History and Graphic Novels. In their duty to capture history before it dissolves into the unrecorded past, Columbia’s librarians are entrusted […]
In the latest issue of The Blue & White, Graphics Editor Stephen Davan brings us an illustrated guide to living every Columbian’s dream – The Core, food, puns, and the city somehow combined.
Features Editor Mark Hay investigates how Columbia quietly influences world politics in the latest issue of The Blue & White. Standing at the podium in the Low Library Rotunda at the 2009 World Leaders Forum, then-Prime Minister of Nepal Madhav Kumar Nepal began his address with a declaration of thanks to SIPA Adjunct Professor Jenik […]
Edwidge Danticat was born in Haiti and graduated from Barnard in 1990. The success of her early semi-autobiographical novels and short stories has made her one of the most prominent writers to come out of Morningside Heights and an important figure in the Caribbean Diaspora. Although Danticat has been busy on tour for her new […]
The latest issue of The Blue & White is on campus newsstands now, and we’ll be posting all the articles on Bwog. “At Two Swords’ Length” is a feature presenting opposing opinions on an issue. This month, Adam Kuerbitz and Liz Naiden deliberate on whether you ever truly have a minute. Affirmative I was about […]
Culture editor Brian Donahoe plumbs the zeitgeist in the Blue & White’s regular feature “Man About Town.” The newest issue of the Blue & White is on news stands now! It has been joked about since, well, the Millennium, but after a solid decade, our society has finally decided that it is time to embrace […]
In the new issue of the Blue & White, Sarah Camiscoli chronicles one woman’s crusade to save Columbia’s discarded books. “There used to be a joke when people answered the phone in the Geography Department,” says Lisa Cammett, BC ‘78, “They said, ‘Rocks and maps!’” Outsiders might miss the irony of the greeting, but Cammett—a […]
The same economic forces that have remade the built environment of New York have put pressure on young people like us to make money or leave.
Keep a look out this week for the latest issue of The Blue & White. You can also read it on Bwog! Enjoy a second Blue Note about printmaking at Columbia and soon-to-come features, including an interview with Edwidge Danticat and an investigation into Columbia’s role in world government. The Internet’s do-it-yourself ethos grants expertise […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025