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Posts Tagged with "haiti"

Bees need shelter too. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of death and violence.  

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The protests continue. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of death and violence. 

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To all of my fellow classical music girlies: it’s time. Editor’s note: mentions of death, violence.

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Lover of books (or possibly zines)? Today’s Bwoglines might have something for you! Editor’s warning: mentions of death and violence.

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Happening in the world: Amid high tension in the Korean peninsula, after the US warns North Korea that its “strategic patience” is over, North Korea detained Kim Dong-chul, a 62-year-old naturalized US citizen born in South Korea. (BBC) Happening in the US: Us actress Erin Moran, best known for playing Joanie in sitcom Happy Days […]

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Hurricane Matthew hit hard in the Caribbean, causing massive casualties, and destruction in some of the poorest areas of Haiti . According to Haiti’s Civil Protection Service, Joseph Edgard Celestin, at least 336 people have died after Hurricane Matthew landed on Tuesday. He further explained: “Four people are missing, 211 are injured and more than 60,000 […]

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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. As always, feel free to mention any events we may have missed in the comments section (and/or mock our typos) and we’ll add them. Our recommendations […]

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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. As always, feel free to mention any events we may have missed in the comments section (and/or mock our typos) and we’ll add them. Our recommendations […]

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An anonymous tipster sent us such a goofy and curt chronicle of yesterday’s scheduled event, we thought it was too good not to share… President of Haiti Michel Martelly did not arrive to speak at his scheduled WLF event. Around 3 pm, half hour after event [was] scheduled to start, introductions and comments by Jeff Sachs and […]

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Edwidge Danticat was born in Haiti and graduated from Barnard in 1990. The success of her early semi-autobiographical novels and short stories has made her one of the most prominent writers to come out of Morningside Heights and an important figure in the Caribbean Diaspora. Although Danticat has been busy on tour for her new […]

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Last night curious students packed into Lerner Cinema to see Princeton professor and celebrity Cornel West talk on “how we can engage in activism that is characterized by faith, perseverance, courage and hope” in Haiti. Bwog’s Semi-Secretly Christian Organizations correspondent Derek Huang reports that students got more consideration of spirituality than of Port-au-Prince. In a […]

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Bwog’s Francophone Correspondent Jon Edelman reports from last night’s Read-In/Speak-Out on Haiti at the Maison Française: As Associate Professor of French Madeleine Dobie stepped to the microphone to begin Friday evening’s “Read-In/Speak-Out on Haiti,” the room was primed for a selection of Haitian poetry or prose, or perhaps a discussion of Haitian history or culture. […]

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There is a Residential Programs brunch happening now until 2pm with a lot of food and a suggested donation of $3 that will go to the Haiti Relief efforts on campus. Stop by EC now!

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The CSA (Caribbean Students Association), HSA (Haitian Students Association) and various Student Councils have officially formed the There is Hope: Mission Haiti campaign in order to provide short-term and long-term help to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. The new coalition will meet tonight at 8 in Earl Hall. Robert Taylor’s email detailing the […]

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