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Posts Tagged with "museums"

Staff Writer Hannah Keyes attended a presentation on the MCNY exhibition, “City of Faith: Religion, Activism, and Urban Space,” by curator Azra Dawood and a following conversation between Dawood and professor Najam Haider.  

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Here at Bwog, we do our best to bring your attention to important guest lecturers and special events on campus. If you notice any events excluded from our calendar or have a correction, let us know in the comments or email

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In the latest issue of The Blue & White, senior editor Hannah Lepow explores the oft-forgotten Roerich Museum, on 107th street between Broadway and Riverside. Beyond the familiar corners of 107th Street, where O’Connell’s and Lime Leaf duel for undergraduate attention, lies a little-known oasis of quiet. The Nicholas Roerich Museum, tucked away in an […]

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 -Photo courtesy of CityRoom Every ArtHum student knows that St. John the Divine is a goldmine for statues, painting, and generally beautiful stuff. But even if you’re not an old hand at looking at old pretty things, it’s certainly worth taking a walk down the street to see St. John’s new additions to the displayed […]

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This Saturday, the New Museum of Contemporary Art will officially open its new building on the Bowery between Stanton and Rivington.  If you’ve been around the area you may have noticed the rising stack of icy white boxes—designed by Tokyo-based architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa/SANAA—that seem as if they’re about to topple over into […]

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If orientation is just a little too lame for you, check out these cultural events happening around the city. How would you like to remember your first week of Columbia? Pie eating or museums and films? Bwog staffer Lucy Tang shows you how.  Saturday, September 1 3 pm – P.S. 1 Warm Up   Twisted […]

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What to do this weekend? Well, you could do the usual, whatever that is – studying on a Saturday night, going to 1020, or the ever-fulfilling Carman parties. But there are some things that you can only do this weekend, because they’re soon shuffling off this mortal coil. To wit: -Films closing Thursday include, at […]

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The Met and MoMA are undeniably spectacular, but you’ll visit them for Art and Lit Hum sometime in the next four years. Instead, Bwog recommends that you art fans start with obscurity and work your way up! Bwog art critic Julia Butareva brings you nine museums where tourists won’t clog the exhibits. You’re a New […]

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Tales from MoSex

The Met and the Frick may be stimulating, but for some real deviance, Bwog recommends the Museum of Sex, a 2002 addition to New York City’s artistic firmament. One tipster recommends that visitors not miss the Sex Across America electronic exhibition, which features listings of visitor-submitted stories of various sexual encounters, sorted geographically Mapquest-style. Columbia […]

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The MoMA has done it again. They’ve brought us another huge, ambitious show, in the vein of last summer’s Cezanne-Pisarro. This time, the subject is Edvard Munch. The show is excellent—it not only rehabilitates the underrated Munch but also sheds new light on the artist. With many little-known works in addition to the greatest hits, […]

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Bwog Correspondent Mark Holden reports: The Big Kiss II went down last Saturday, this time at the Whitney Museum. Apparently, an art professor thought it would be hilarious if a bunch of college kids started smooching in the middle of his exhibition. Which is exactly what happened. This Big Kiss didn’t achieve the Low Steps […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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