On Tuesday, Staff Writer Adria Marin attended Barnard’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’s “Studying the Now: Affirmative Action” discussion regarding institutional diversity policies and practices, moderated by President Rosenbury, Professor Melissa Murray, and VP Jennifer Rosales of DEI.
Staff Writer Sofia Montagna attended a talk held in Fayerweather Hall with Dr. Riva Kastoryano.
CCSC Bureau Chief returns for his final post of the semester, focusing heavily on holiday spirit, the tireless efforts of our elected officials, and the ongoing frenzy that is the room where it happens.
CCSC Bureau Chief Adam Kluge returns with his usual commentary on all things cupcakes, conviviality, and Columbia College, reporting directly from the room where it happens.
Have you heard? Barnard has a Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion now! Get all the latest info from Monday night’s SGA meeting all about the new role here.
Sometimes, Barnard’s Student Government Association gets things done in a way that we can all be proud of. Last night’s Rep Council meeting was not one of those times. This week, our Reps heard a presentation on the Board of Trustees and finally selected a new Representative for Academic Affairs. It was kind of frustrating, […]
Most of us look back on the early posts of our class Facebook groups with shame and bewilderment—they are testament to the one quality that freshmen at every institution embody: utter doltishness. If you’ve ever hoped that the species would evolve past this kind of posturing, it was in vain, for the Columbia Class of 2020 […]
We have received the tip that an Activities Board at Columbia (ABC) representative has raised concerns about possible bias in the board. The representative, via email, claims: “We are done sitting through meetings where our diverse voices are singular; Meetings where our culture is not respected; Meetings where our values are deemed insignificant; Where insensitive comments […]
This weekend I avoided homework, frat parties, and sporting events, and participated in a revelatory experience: the Intergroup Community Building Initiative (ICBI), hosted by Barnard Student Life and Columbia University Office of Multicultural Affairs. The goal of the conference was to “build real connections across different identity communities, make new friendships, and become engaged in […]
Honoring our amorous affair with our mother magazine, The Blue and White, we hereby present an online-exclusive offering from the latest issue, on campus in beautiful blue print now. Staffer Katherine Whatley, BC ’17, gives us this insider’s take on Third Culture Kids (TCKs). On the first day of the New Student Orientation Program (NSOP), everyone […]
Affirmative action has been one of the most hotly debated topics in higher education since the 1960s, as well as one of PrezBo’s most hotly pursued passions. Before taking the reins as Columbia’s president, ‘Bo.0 served as president of the University of Michigan, where his defense of affirmative action in Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. […]
Bwog’s A-list correspondent Renée Kraiem tells you what went down at SGA’s final meeting of the semester. Last night’s SGA meeting, the last of 2011, began with a joyful round of Secret Santas and Channukah Harriets. The evening’s first guest complemented the inclusive theme of the evening. She was Pamela Phayme, Barnard’s Director of Diversity […]
Columbia University Professor of French Antoine Compagnon was awarded the prestigious Claude Lévi-Strauss Prize and an accompanying 100,000 euros last Tuesday for his excellence in social science methods (Note: This award is a big deal in France and is not distributed by the jean company) .(Spec) On Friday, Obama urged colleges and universities to improve racial diversity […]
You can go back to sleep! The end of Daylight Savings has delivered another sweet sixty minutes to your day, so it’s now an hour earlier than you thought it was. Though it happens every year, one national news outlet or another perennially feels the need to narrate the history of this curious organizational phenomenon. […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025