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Posts Tagged with "engineering student council"

Last night, ESC discussed possibilities for LGBT and People of Color spaces in Lerner Hall. Despite detailed plans for the creation of free spaces, ESC and the future of this proposition remains uncertain.  The premier discussion at this week’s Engineering Student Council meeting involved a proposal by CCSC 2017 VP Brennon Mendez and 2020 Representative Grant […]

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Tampons, smoking bans, and tree lighting malfunctions, Oh my! A lot happened in this week’s ESC meeting. Let Finn Klauber recount the details of some important, new innovations coming to a bathroom near you very soon. The student council initiative first spearheaded last year by CCSC President Ben Makansi and VP for Policy Viv Ramakrishnan to provide free […]

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Sit back as Finn Klauber recounts the important proposals discussed at last night’s ESC meeting. Topics discussed varied from concerns over completing CS major requirements, getting the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off next year, and funding for campus organizations.  Yesterday evening’s Engineering Student Council meeting strayed away from controversial discussions or proposals, instead focusing on a group […]

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ESC goes about trying to heal the Columbia community in wake of the recent elections results through *drumroll* safe spaces. After a week reinforcing an intolerant culture campus-wide and nation-wide, ESC attempts to make students feel safer and included at Columbia. Finn Klauber takes you inside another exciting ESC meeting. Yesterday during Engineering Student Council, the brunt […]

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A Bwog staffer walks you through last night’s ESC meeting, from cross-councils food pantry proposals to ESC’s new internal “expectations.” In a sharp departure from the heated and contentious debates of the last few weeks, ESC spent the majority of their general body meeting last night in calm and productive discussion. The majority of the meeting […]

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Finn Klauber takes you through the exciting happenings of last night’s ESC meeting. From a new website to a new constitution, things are looking up for the ESC. After a few weeks of gently postponing a necessary ratification vote, the Engineering Student Council formally ratified their updated 2016 constitution, revised under the committee leadership of VP for Policy Sidney […]

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And just when you thought ESC could reach the pinnacle of its relevance with its smoking ban it recently passed, Finn Klauber takes you through another meeting where even their legitimacy to pass said smoking ban is up in the air. Last week, I reported that the legitimacy of Engineering Student Council’s vote to encourage a […]

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While everyone was cramming for Midterms, ESC passed legislation to put a campus ban on smoking. Multiple perspectives were considered, but ultimately, response to a survey swayed the council. Finn Klauber takes you through this important moment in Columbia Engineering student government history. In the most exciting meeting so far of the 2016 Engineering Student Council, […]

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ESC generally tries to handle issues of pragmatism, only straying into ideals and ideologies when debating diversity initiatives. However, ESC bureau chief Finn Klauber reveals the level of debate regarding Henry Moore’s controversial statue installation as well as ESC’s decisions regarding the statue. ESC, after concluding as a council that Bacchanal was a blast, got into the nitty […]

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Earlier tonight, Bwog was tipped about various members of CCSC, ESC, and GSSC voicing concerns about the Columbia Political Union’s newfound influence over the upcoming student council election process. The Columbia Elections Board (CEB), which was founded in 2013 “to conduct and publicize student council elections on campus,” is currently made up of four students, according to the CCSC […]

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It’s been a little while since Bwog decided to check in on our more mathematically inclined friends at the Engineering Student Council. We’re glad we did, however, as ESC Bureau Chief Finn Klauber reveals the excitement and suspense of a typical ESC meeting. Last night’s ESC meeting delved into some deep discussion on redefining roles within the […]

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Some of the best minds of the University came together for the weekly ESC meeting to discuss toilet paper. Okay, they discussed more than just that… staff writer Rachel will give you the info. Last night’s ESC meeting was concise and mainly consisted of announcements, with council members speaking on topics such as group adjudication, toilet […]

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Bwog staffer Rachel Deal brings you the latest and greatest from this week’s ESC meeting so you lazybones can stay in bed. You owe her one! Last night’s ESC meeting was a long one-with new council members from the Class of 2019 and extended discussions on improving the CSA and possible changes to Bacchanal, the […]

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ESC Bureau Chief Rachel Deal is back this week (after ESC took a break last week following their weekend retreat) to bring you the latest news from the ESC meeting! Last night’s Engineering Student Council meeting was a quick one, with the members covering topics such as the package center, Bacchanal, and food insecurity. President […]

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Now that the semester is settling down, Bwog will begin regular coverage of ESC, CCSC, and SGA meetings. The new ESC Bureau Chief, Rachel Deal, covered Monday night’s meeting. Last evening, the Engineering Student Council’s first meeting of the semester took place, and President Caroline Park started the meeting off by emphasizing how excited she was to […]

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