What kind of tomfoolery are those silly frosh up to now? One of Bwog’s sly sleuths details a person’s attempts at establishing himself as a rising Freshman on Facebook…or should we say Fakebook? Remember the Columbia impostors from the last few years? Remember all the stupid things pre-frosh posted in the Class of 2018 group? Bwog recently found out that these […]
As Above the Law reports, a young man using the name “Jose Olivo” pretended to be a first year student at Columbia Law School for the first semester of this year. A group of actual CLS students noticed something was up with this young man and corroborated to confirm that, in fact, Jose never attended any […]
While the curators of the hallowed Metropolitan Museum of Art felt pretty confident when they dropped $45 million on a Renaissance Masterpiece, CU art history professor James Beck just called them suckers: he’s convinced that this painting’s a fake. Read the full story in the Times.
Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
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