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Posts Tagged with "the met"

Staff Writers Elaine Lloyd and Rory Collins joined a guided tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s medieval section.

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Art history, but make it a bit silly.

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On Friday, Staff Writer Manny Gonzalez attended a semesterly tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art based around the Literature Humanities syllabus; the event is offered by Columbia’s Department of Art History.

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Planning on drunkenly seeing 50 Shades of Grey on Valentine’s Day (you know Bwog will be there)? Check out this recut trailer featuring Steve Buscemi as Christian Grey. (Salon) Luckily for us poor college students, the entrance fee to the Met will remain “pay as you wish.” (Gothamist) Because it wasn’t that long ago when we […]

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QuickTix exists to let you know how to use and abuse your CUID. It pops in every other Wednesday. Campus events on sale now: Lyrics from Lockdown: September 24th, 7 pm, Miller Theater, $7 w/ CUID, Tickets. Afropolitan/Afropolitan After Party: September 30th, 8 pm/12 am, Roone, $10 w/ CUID, Tickets. Off campus events on sale […]

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"I looked down and I saw the Velasquez and Rubens and Del Sarto and I thought, 'You know, life isn't so bad.'"

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Bwog contributor Claire Sabel wandered into the Met Wednesday night. Last night the College Group at the Met hosted a Gatsby-themed party, “West Egg on the East Side,” to celebrate the opening of the American Wing.  Organized by twenty-five student volunteers, the affair threw open the eastern section of the museum to college students in […]

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“Wait, a minute,” some 2013s might be thinking, “it’s only Thursday. Doesn’t the weekend start on Friday?” Not at Columbia…unless you have a lab…or a language class…or an internship…or…well, forget that, here’s the year’s first Guide to the Weekend. Thursday-Sunday Light of the Sufis: the Mystical Arts of Islam : Gathered from the collections of […]

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For those of you in the city during break, Bwog art correspondent Kristina Budelis fills you in on what’s happening at the museums and galleries around town: After weeks of dreaming about break, followed by a few more weeks of blithe freedom, some students may yearn to spice up the cycle of sleeping, eating, job […]

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America’s favorite lasagna-loving cat hated Mondays, and he didn’t even have a week of midterms ahead of him. If you’re still mourning Columbia’s loss at Homecoming this weekend, stayed in Butler till dawn, or are just generally bummed out because the week is always a long one, check out our list of worthwhile stuff to […]

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Bwog followed the Class of 2012 to one of NSOP’s headline events, After Hours at the Met. From the overly large museum, freshman correspondent Will Leonard reports. Before they could arrive at the hallowed destination, 2012ers had to deal with the double danger of novice New Yorkers: Metrocard machines, and getting across Manhattan on the […]

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The Met puts on fabulous events just for college kids every couple of months. Bwog correspondent Lucy Sun attended last night, snapped a few photos, and had a swimmingly good time. Young, warm people formed a ridiculously long line outside the Met tonight for a masked ball in honor of the Met’s new galleries for […]

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Bwog overheard some OLs on the uptown 1 headed back from the Met excursion and decided to inquire about NSOP’s first big event. Bwog: Were you guys just at the Met? Girl OL: Yeah! We left early. Boy: I’m not even an OL! Or a freshman! Girl: He’s just my friend! Bwog: So was it […]

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While the curators of the hallowed Metropolitan Museum of Art felt pretty confident when they dropped $45 million on a Renaissance Masterpiece, CU art history professor James Beck just called them suckers: he’s convinced that this painting’s a fake. Read the full story in the Times.

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Bwog staffer Kabir Singh reviews the Metropolitan Museum’s exhibit featuring Emperor Akbar’s lavishly illustrated Khamsa (quintet of tales). Although a little hard to navigate at first, I grew to love the true to its provenance right-to-left organization of Pearls of the Parrot of India: The Emperor Akbar’s Illustrated ‘Khamsa,’ 1597–98. Spanning this one-room exhibition at […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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