The next time you forget your ID and get turned away from Butler, remember: when Argentine President Cristina Kirchner came to visit, campus security apparently refused to let her NYPD escort enter Low. The officer, probably grateful to escape, instead took the opportunity to snap a picture of the steps. More common, but also more […]
You’ll have to find your $3 beer elsewhere, since our own 1020 is the set of the new Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg film, The Other Guys. We expect that many fart jokes and and much “bromance” will grace the very boothes you’ll be lucky enough to sit in during the next twelve weeks; until […]
Before her official classes begin, Hawkmadinebwog editor Courtney Douds spends the morning with an informal assembly of birders in Central Park. Every Tuesday morning in September and October this year Richard Lieberman will lead birders through the Ramble of Central Park for the Linnaean Society of New York in search of warblers, raptors, waders, thrushes, and the many […]
Having heard that a soup company is muscling in on their filming territory, Law & Order SVU returned to Morningside last night to film at 111th and Broadway. No word on which characters were involved, but we kinda hope it was Munch.
During the school year, filming on campus is Law & Order and HBO pilots. During the summer, it’s Campbell’s Soup filming a commercial at Sezz Medi. Poor summer students.
We’ve received multiple tips about filming at 121st and Amsterdam for Sarah Michelle Gellar’s new HBO show, The Wonderful Maladys. Also there is her husband Freddie Prinze Jr., and the requisite paparazzi. If you can’t get out of exams to catch them, though, don’t worry: the show, which also stars Studio 60‘s Nate Corddry and […]
– Photo by JCD No, the crime franchise isn’t adding a musical (although it now has a UK spinoff). Rather, trailers for Law & Order SVU are outside Milano Market right now! Although neither Milano nor any of the other establishments along the block are closed for filming, fear not: parking notices indicate that the […]
A tipster informs us that Law & Order (or possibly one of its spinoffs) is once again shooting around Union Theological Seminary, at the corner of 120th and Claremont. Unfortunately, the brilliant floodlights that are apparently completely necessary for filming have stymied attempts at a photo. Some things never change. Ever.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025