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Posts Tagged with "name that trailer!"

Bwog Procedural Drama Correspondent Hans Hyttinen caught the Law and Order: Criminal Intent (the one with the actress who played the gentle-yet-firm tutor in D2: Mighty Ducks) truck outside HamDel this morning.  If network shows give you pause, Boardwalk Empire–the upcoming HBO series focusing on Atlantic City’s Prohibition-era heyday–is set up over on Claremont.  Early […]

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“Smuggler” refers to a production company based in New York, but, alas, it’s not actually a film shoot.   A phone call to the company revealed that they’re shooting a Cottonelle commercial.  Perhaps they’ll give us some samples to replace the wax paper currently supplied to dorms. Update, 5:07 PM: B&W Editor-in-Chief Juli Weiner says […]

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The next time you forget your ID and get turned away from Butler, remember: when Argentine President Cristina Kirchner came to visit, campus security apparently refused to let her NYPD escort enter Low. The officer, probably grateful to escape, instead took the opportunity to snap a picture of the steps. More common, but also more […]

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SVU on Broadway!

 – Photo by JCD No, the crime franchise isn’t adding a musical (although it now has a UK spinoff). Rather, trailers for Law & Order SVU are outside Milano Market right now! Although neither Milano nor any of the other establishments along the block are closed for filming, fear not: parking notices indicate that the […]

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A tipster informs us that Law & Order (or possibly one of its spinoffs) is once again shooting around Union Theological Seminary, at the corner of 120th and Claremont. Unfortunately, the brilliant floodlights that are apparently completely necessary for filming have stymied attempts at a photo. Some things never change. Ever.

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Today 111th and Riverside witnessed the triumphant return of Cupid, the ABC series starring Bobby Cannavale, a man of many faces known for co-starring roles in both The Station Agent and Paul Blart: Mall Cop. The show is actually a remake of a 1990s Cupid starring Jeremy Piven, who pulled out of the original series to […]

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We’ve received a few questions about the trailers on 111th and 110th between Broadway and Riverside. Bwog’s Best Boy and Key Grip Jon Hill scoped out the scene, and he reports that they’re for a new ABC network TV series called Cupid, which stars “Vince” from Will & Grace as a “modern day” Cupid. Eh. So now you know, […]

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Bwog editor Anish Bramhandkar notes that Union Theological Seminary is hosting one of TV’s most popular sex crime shows: “There’s a food van/cart there with a sign saying something about serving food to film productions on location, and a bunch of people eating food.  A few of them have nametags that say Law & Order […]

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Bwog Hollywood Bureau Chief James Downie has the scoop on the trailers currently parked around Union Theological Seminary. The trailers are for a new NBC pilot called Kings, which stars Ian McShane of Deadwood fame. The show’s story is based around that of King David — maybe the producers are brushing up on their theology […]

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