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Posts Tagged with "first day of school"

We’re back for a new year, another semester, brand new classes and another (or a final) chance to make Dean’s List. From today on, your professors will be welcoming you to class with bad puns (or good ones), aggressive political statements and philosophical musings. But that’s only a sample. It’s up to you to send […]

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As dawn breaks over this first day of the semester, take a moment to revel in the ridiculous antics your professors will engage in just to get you to stay in (or drop) their class. Bwog’s father never dressed up as a jolly old man in a red suit, but we still feel the excitement in […]

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You’re going to class today! Learn how to not be “that guy” in LitHum. It’s the first day of school, folks! Savor the crackling sound of creasing book binds and the strong scent of newly sharpened pencils. Freshpeople, Bwog can’t believe you kids are already starting classes. It was only last week you were collecting […]

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Classes start today! And as you probably already know (unless you’re a wee freshperson), today is noteworthy for two reasons: You will actually attend all of your classes. Your lovely profs will say silly/funny/hilarious things to convince you to continue to come to class for the rest of the semester. We at Bwog enjoy a […]

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Unless you’ve got to pick up your fresh, stamped coconut. Pretty long line at Ferris, too, but we’re hearing good things about the new swipe-y system.

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It’s the first day of school, folks! Savor the crackling sound of creasing book binds and the strong scent of newly sharpened pencils. Freshpeople, Bwog can’t believe you kids are already starting classes. It was only last week you were loading taxidermy rodents into your blue bins. After a week- long orientation, get ready to […]

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You know the drill, unless you were born in 1992. On the first day of classes, professors say sweet, funny, strange and wonderful things to try to keep you in their classes, and also because they are sweet, funny, strange and wonderful people sometimes. When your professor says something worth sharing, email or write […]

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