Hey there, sports fans! Come on out to Baker Field tonight to watch SigEp the Columbia Men’s Rugby Team square-off against their rivals from the City of Scrap Metal-y Love, the Yale Bulldogs. Not only will spectators of the scrum be treated to what is sure to be an exciting match, but also the first […]
Due to inclement weather (boy does that sunshine seem long ago), the WBAR concert tomorrow (Friday) is being moved from the lawn to the Event Oval on LL1 of the Diana Center. Doors open at 4:45 pm, show starts at 5 pm. On a similar vein, please note that security will be checking for CUIDs at […]
If you’re a junior, there are two things you need to be doing today: 1) Making sure you’re on track to graduate on time 2) Gorging yourself on delicious Junior’s cheesecake What’s that? You can be doing both at the same time?! Incredible! If you’re a junior, come to Lerner 403 between 7 and 9 […]
Club Bangla & CU SEWA will be handing out free Indian food today in celebration of Boishakhi/Vaisakhi—the start of spring and the beginning of the new year. Head over to Low Plaza and get your freeloading on between 1 pm and 5 pm today! There will be an open dance floor, performances and delicious biryani/kabobs/vegetarian appetizers for […]
Hungry? For food? For knowledge? Attend today’s lecture “The Inner City as a Global Space” and feed both! Talk about the relation between global issues and urban settings while munching on a free lunch. The lecture will begin at 12:30 PM in the IAB and will be given by Columbia’s own Professor Sudhir Venkatesh. Bring […]
Being back at school is so dreary, right? Well, not today from 12 -1 in the Lerner Piano Lounge it isn’t! Come to Live at Lerner’s latest Sounds event for: The band: Bowmont, a Brooklyn band which is “like a punchier Coldplay, but more fun.” The food: Pita, baba ghanoush, hummus, falafel and more noms.
Tonight from 8-10 pm in 414 Pupin, you can snag some free pizza at CU Amnesty International’s panel: Students vs. Teachers: the Right Paradigm for Education Reform? A panel discussion featuring Professor Jeffrey Henig of Teachers’ College, Wayne Wilson of Students for Education Reform, Alexander Donovan of Teach for America, and Mike Rady of Columbia’s […]
Tonight at 9pm, Greenborough is partnering with Barnard Columbia Divest for their biannual open mic night! BCD leaders will be giving a brief overview of what they’re working on before the performances start. It’s sure to be an interesting and fun way to spend the evening! If you are interested in environmental action, good music, […]
Amnesty International is having a general body meeting at 9 pm tonight in Earl Hall with free food. What type, we don’t know, but mystery makes life more exciting. Just don’t subject your body to JJ’s again. It begs you. The great food detective via Shutterstock
Today at noon you could decide to leave your midterms and papers behind for a glorious life as a radical hobo OR you could head to the Live at Lerner’s Sounds #8, in the Lerner Piano Lounge from 12-1pm where there will be: A band: Tumbling Bones. “Think hoedown.” Greek food: Rice pilaf, keftedes (meatballs […]
Last night at their weekly meeting, Maren Killackey was impressed by CCSC. For once, there is no snark. No cheap shots, no embarrassing quotes, or slight misinformation because, let’s face it, no one cares. Before descending into a sappy metaphor about some particularly efficient student government meeting (is there anything more sad?), I’ll leave it at […]
Are you a SEAS student who wants to learn more about Study Abroad? Do you just want free pizza tonight? If yes, stop by 825 Mudd tonight at 8 PM and your needs will be quenched. The meeting will cover all the logistics of engineering study abroad, as well as any other questions attendees may […]
The opening ceremony for Engineering Week will take place in Roone Arledge at 6 pm tonight, and there will be a bunch of food from Thai Market that apparently cost someone $2,000 but will cost $0 for you! There will be free food and free T-Shirts throughout the week in celebration of engineering at Columbia […]
Sometimes don’t you just feel like Columbia is showering you with love? Okay, okay, so it’s more like grudging acceptance but you take what you can get, right? Well, today Columbia is bursting with free candy and Valentine’s goodies! The Columbia Queer Alliance will be handing out free candy on College Walk today from 11 […]
How to start your Wednesday afternoon: Go to the Lerner Piano Lounge between 12 and 1 pm for Live at Lerner’s Sounds event. Place pork pot stickers, fried rice, and fortune cookies directly in your mouth. Chew. Swallow. Soak up Vensaire—Live at Lerner calls them “a little bit Animal Collective-y,” and their Facebook notes their […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025