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Posts Tagged with "rugby"

Hey there, sports fans! Come on out to Baker Field tonight to watch SigEp the Columbia Men’s Rugby Team square-off against their rivals from the City of Scrap Metal-y Love, the Yale Bulldogs. Not only will spectators of the scrum be treated to what is sure to be an exciting match, but also the first […]

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You may have seen the dashing members of Columbia’s Rugby Football Club walking around campus and wondered: Who are these men? Can I play? Can I watch? What’s a scrum? Why do they always pass the ball backwards? Is it just football without pads? Rugby fan Tamsin Pargiter sat down with president Daniel Martinez, SEAS […]

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Don your Ralph Lauren brand and watch CU Men’s Rugby Team, or CURFC, duke it out with Princeton. This second game of the season happens 5:00PM tonight at Baker. In the only home game of this season, watch as CURFC try to continue their winning streak after they conquered Cornell 20-12 last Saturday. If you’re […]

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Last night, we received the following picture, captioned (edgily) by a tipster: From another anonymous tipster: Three first-years on Broadway and 114th: F1: …then we found out that he’s the son of the diplomat to Belgium. F3: Good thing it wasn’t Libya! Ohhh! An awkward silence. F2: Too soon? Too soon. More anonymous eavesdropping from […]

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Interested in free food, a new t-shirt, and watching a pad-less contact sport you’ve probably only seen in Invictus? Well, you’re in luck. Tonight, the Columbia Rugby Team, aka CURFC, takes on Yale in their biggest home game of the season. The two teams kick off at 7 pm at Baker Athletic Complex, but don’t […]

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“The nature of the sport of rugby is that it takes 15 players working together on the field in order to produce positive results.  Superstars are nothing without the support of their teammates, so players have to rely on each other to achieve success.” – Columbia Coach Jodie Van Ogtrop The Birth of a Sport […]

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The April issue of the Blue and White is now on a newsstand or under a dorm room door near you! If you can’t get out to pick one up now, here is another preview: contributor Sam Schube enlists in the men’s rugby team. “Do not drop the fucking ball!” yelled coach Sean Horan. “That […]

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Overheard in EC:  Rugby Guy #1: We should make posters to get people to come to our game. Rugby Guy #2: No, you have to get them approved. Rugby Guy #1: What?  We can’t just make some on our own? Rugby Guy #2: No. Rugby Guy #3: What if we made, like, little posters, that we […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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