For several years, cinephiles hoping to use Butler’s growing DVD collection (now over 10,000 titles) were forced to watch the DVDs inside the library, without being able to borrow them. But last year’s otherwise-unfortunate demise of Kim’s Video and Music has finally yielded one big benefit: parts of its collection have made it into the […]
Congratulations to badanalogyguy, the first-round winner of the Bwog Comment Competition. Employing what might best be termed a “brute force” strategy, badanalogyguy hammered away with comment after comment until a witty one slipped through. It’s sort of like when sperm besieges an egg until… Eh, we’ll leave the analogies to him. Bwog selected badanalogyguy from […]
Just because activities have calmed down here on campus in observance of approaching finals, it doesn’t mean that New York City isn’t still popping! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday The Con Film Festival Film Forum, 209 W Houston St (212.727.8110) This series of cinematic odes to the bad guy will feature classic takes on criminals and […]
Tonight’s College Days festivities will include not only free food, but apparently “prizes” (of the elementary school carnival sort, Bwog hopes) and most importantly, the chance to be dubbed a “Columbia University Royal.” That’s right, you can lord above the rest, preside in all your glory at the Kings Ball tomorrow night, and they might […]
Those planning to watch the NCAA Championship game tonight would be well advised to do so at Village Pourhouse. If you RSVP to,you’ll get access to an open bar for the first hour of the game. Bud Light, mixed drinks, and Monday-night drunkenness. Delightful. Your other non-Butler option tonight is the Not-for-Profits Employer Connection […]
Image via E-Week 2009 kicks off tonight at 8:00 PM in Roone. This is the yearly event that the SEAS student life committee puts on for the sake of “good food and lots of engineering pride!” (ORIGINAL CAPS REMOVED). Of course, that’s not why Bwog cares. According to Peter Valeiras’ multi-colored electronic mail […]
Columbians can take pleasure in the fact that unlike those who reside outside our hallowed gates, our handy CUIDs allows us a wealth of free culture — terrible economy be damned. MoMA is anticipating that many locals will not be as keen as they may have been before to fork over $20 for a few […]
Stressed out? Had too much Red Bull this morning? Head to Wien�s first floor lounge for “Wind Down Wednesday,” a.k.a. free backrubs! The backrubs are provided by the beneficent campus group Stressbusters, who obviously specialize in all things anti-stress. So if you�re on the lookout for a completely new outlook on life or some deep […]
The powers that be are determined to confine us to our rooms. A smattering of events around campus, served with the usual levity. Monday Israel. Gaza. Their supports, all in once place: showdown on the steps. We’ll have more details later today. Lunchtimeish @ Alma Mater’s house. Tuesday Columbia’s resident string quartets are back. Haydn, […]
For those who were actually thinking of going to Ricky’s soon, hold off. Please. Tomorrow, thanks to a class action lawsuit, department stores including Macy’s and Saks Fifth Avenue will be giving away $175 million worth of free cosmetics – one item per person on a first-come, first-served basis. Technically, the giveaway is only for […]
Today, you attended your last classes of first semester. This week, you will take finals and write papers. Tonight, you will go outside. The city is your classroom and all that stuff! So shine up your fake Florida IDs and breathe a few hours of fresh, non-Butler air. it never hurt anyone. Columbia-related events are listed […]
Columbia, welcome to no man’s land. For the next two weeks, life will most likely not be fun. You are stuck in the in-between holiday purgatory, having just left home and not far from returning. You must somehow fit what now seems like a lifetime of paper-writing and furious studying into this short amount of […]
It’s a good week for free food. Counseling and Psychological Services will be hosting a study break tonight from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM with free pizza and giveaways (which Bwog assumes will also be free). That’s 112a Hartley, for those of you who don’t visit very often.
Bwog passed the Carman gates at 114th Street and was happy to find representatives from Seattle eager to bequeath $5 Starbucks Cards as well as Tazo Tea and their replacement for adderall to students harried by midterms. All you have to do is put your “name” and your “address” onto a postcard that you are […]
If this Craigslisting is to be believed, it appears as though Cafe Fresh on 121st and Amsterdam — the School of Social Work hangout known for its beautiful location and slow-as-molasses service — could be up for sale. UPDATE, 12:26pm: A call to Cafe Fresh reveals that it is not, in fact, selling itself. So […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024