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Posts Tagged with "dance parties"

But, seriously, just kidding. A newcomer on the bustling Columbia start-up event planning scene, Spicy Special Crew, shot this video to advertise their free dance parties. They hosted their first rager last week and we heard it was a blast and half. Festivities continue this Saturday at Deluxe. A Halloween party with lasers, strobe lights, […]

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Over on Low Plaza, and for the last half hour or so, a crowd has gathered, sending out rainbow rays and good-time tunes into the night. Weighed down with glow-rings, the masses cover the steps and jam to “Chicken Fried,” the “Cupid Shuffle,” and “Jai-Ho” remixes. The event is CUgLow. A tight core of dedicated […]

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Fresh Tunez

Bwog received this Auto-Tuned gem by Ben Kaplan, CC ’14. “The Finalz Song” deals with the trials of Butler, the Bible, and fighting for survival. A sample lyric: Just better get the flashcards out your calculators and all them granola bars out and do not think I’m going home until the starz out we about […]

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shORCHESIS Showcase

Bwog’s Staff Dance Enthusiast Megan McGregor reports… Yesterday, the line for the TIC to see Orchesis’ fall 2010 showcase was so long that it went outside of Lerner and even caused many to miss the first half of the show. If you decide to go to the second and final showing of “down by the […]

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Columbia University Dance Marathon will be handing out free hot chocolate and baked goods of various sorts today on Low steps in front of Alma from 12-2pm. Apparently there will be people dancing (Dance Marathoning?) in painters suits, just to make sure you can’t miss them. 

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2013er David Hu reports from last night’s Registration/Michael Jackson mashup. After a hectic week of moving in, attending semi-useful NSOP meetings, and countless awkward introductions to new people (most of whom will never meet again), the Class of 2013 was probably looking forward to finally being able to experience Thursday as their official start of […]

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Tonight’s College Days festivities will include not only free food, but apparently “prizes” (of the elementary school carnival sort, Bwog hopes) and most importantly, the chance to be dubbed a “Columbia University Royal.” That’s right, you can lord above the rest, preside in all your glory at the Kings Ball tomorrow night, and they might […]

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The CU Dance Marathon finally wrapped up at 4:00 PM today after 28 hours of the “Cha-Cha Slide,” a bhangra lesson, and pretty much every Top 40 dance hit since 1985.  Sadly, Bwog missed the rumored Judah Friedlander appearance. But the good news is the grand total raised: $50,020 by over 80 dancers for the […]

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The Columbia University Dance Marathon is already 3/14 (or 21.4%) done!  Bwog suggests you go on and Electric Slide your way down to Lerner soon, because there are only twenty-two more hours to see all your favorite people shakin’ that thang for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.  In fact, 30 Rock aficionados should hustle […]

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The Lerner boardroom group sends us another photo, this time “as proof that not all hope it [sic] lost.” We’ll let you be the judge of that. Again, remember to send us the best of your study space/group, and/or any slightly insane sleep-deprived shenanigans. Good luck on today’s finals!

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Tonight, the Big Apple Dance Sport Challenge gives new meaning to a Lerner dance party.  If you thought those were great, the Dance Sport Challenge will bowl you over.  Although the competition started early in the morning, there’s still plenty of dancing to be done.  Dance Sport officials informed Bwog that the competition is expected […]

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Last night, Culture Editor Tony Gong went to CCSC’s massive multicultural event “Passport to Columbia,” and returned a little more appreciative of diverse foods, arts, and Columbia, the nation. His account of the night follows. Some people (naysayers and cynics, mainly) don’t think you need a passport to go to Columbia. “Columbia is a university, […]

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An eerie calm descended on the usually bustling Low Plaza early this afternoon when a group of Bhutanese monks performed a demon subjugation dance ritual known as Tum Ngan.  Intended to eliminate evil spirits in the surrounding area, the ritual comforted many still shaken by the presence of a Jumbo McCain while frustrating Ghostbusters enthusiasts […]

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Tonight, the CQA, Columbia’s Queer Alliance, celebrates LGBT rights and fights for everyone’s right to party with the First Friday Dance. On Saturday. Nothing sets the atmosphere for a dance party better than torrential rain, right? How lucky we are to celebrate the First Friday Dance of the semester on this diluvial Saturday! If you’re […]

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If you managed to swing by the hooplah that happened by the steps earlier this evening, perhaps you were welcomed by Weezer’s Pinkerton album blaring from a laptop while 15 or so students were dancing under the tented sheets. Perhaps you were also offered a loaf of bread by some guy in a Mardi Gras […]

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