Like the environment? Want to move in early? Prefer your food free? Apply to be a Green Leader! You can apply for the spring and/or the fall, and depending on which session (or both!) you do, you’ll help organize Give and Go Green (the one where you drop your unwanted/unneeded things for the summer) or the […]
Head over to the Wien lounge right now till 3 pm for the Green sale, where leftover items (refrigerators, fans, lamps, and so on) are sold on the mega cheap. Go play I Spy with your friends, it’s less frustrating than this round, and the payoff is better. If you want another metaphor, the Green folks […]
While everyone is running out to finish finals, pack and peace out, there are some that stay behind to pick up the pieces. Leftovers for the Give and Go Greeners! Every year, at the end of the spring Give and Go Green (run under EcoReps) takes on the task to make move out as waster-free […]
Every year Ecoreps organizes Give and Go Green in the Spring and Green Sales in the Fall (you dump your old stuff; they store it and sell it). This year, as always, Ecoreps gives you the opportunity to apply to one of or both of these events, but also to be part of GREEN NSOP […]
The slightly-more-suavely named Give and Go Green is happening! Now! Out on College Walk! It will take place today through Friday from noon until 4 pm. They accept “non-perishable food, clothing in good condition, kitchenware, appliances, linens, accessories, books, small furniture, computers, and toiletries,” so bring your stuff on over. Plus, it’s less to store […]
After postponing the Give and Go Green Sale yesterday, the EcoReps have come through! Those of us who have avoided the annual Bed, Bath & Beyond voyage need not go another night with barren kitchens. Stop by the Broadway Lounge at 11 to pick up “upperclassman items,” such as kitchen supplies, at a handy discount […]
The Eco reps are at it again! In the Broadway lounge they are selling “upperclassmen items,” like kitchen supplies, at a fraction of their Bed, Bath & Beyond retail price. Plus you get a hearty helping of virtuous feelings. According to a commenter, the sale has been moved until tomorrow. It’ll still be at the […]
By the sounding of the Conch, we summon you to the Green Sale in the John Jay lobby. At the annual Give and Go Green event, people donate their lightly used fridges and ethernet cords, and now you can buy them for a fraction of their Target prices. We call dibs on that blue chair. The […]
So you’ve finished your finals already… YOU STILL NEED TO PACK. And no matter how many organic chemistry reactions memorized and 10-page papers you’ve BS’d, packing never gets any easier. Seriously! You’re hungover, you’ve got a ton of random shit that isn’t worth storing but not worth taking home either, you forgot to clean out your […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025