Everybody is talking about animals now, according to three separate things that three separate people said. IT IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE THAT THREE OF ANYTHING MAKES A TREND! First, a pair of professors: “Sex with animals…it doesn’t seem like something we might do today. But in a rural world, it does happen!” – Professor Alfred MacAdam, […]
While researching a linguistics paper on Artificial Intelligence, Bwog Correspondent Sara Maria Hasbun came across the websites for the winners of the Loebner Competition, a contest in which judges converse blindly with both humans and computer programs—the prize goes to the machine that bests simulates intelligent conversation. For her paper, Sara decided to try out […]
Professor Molly Murray, in an email to her Lit Hum section about an upcoming end of-the-year movie watching party: “Then, (since, in the immortal words of Jay-Z, after the party, there’s the after-party): 8PM. V & T’s pizza, 110th and Amsterdam.” Overheard outside Uris: Girl 1: I’m not like…a fun person. I’m not a fun […]
The Opal Mehta scandal continues! Apparently not satisfied with plagiarizing from Columbia grad Megan McCafferty, Harvard sophomore Kaavya Viswanathan also lifted passages from Salman Rushdie’s 1990 children’s novel Haroun and Meg Cabot’s Princess Diaries. At least she chose well with the Rushdie. Learn all about it from our good friends at the Crimson.
Sharp-eared tipsters relayed these juicy conversational fragments: Overheard during the Varsity Show intermission in reference to the orphan fundraiser thing: Guy: You stole from an orphanage?! Transvestite (or so we think): I didn’t know it was an orphanage! I didn’t even know orphans existed! I thought they were one of those made-up things! Overheard before […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025