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Posts Tagged with "harvard"

UPDATE: Spike Lee is here. Jeremy Lin’s parents are here. JEREMY LIN IS AT COLUMBIA! (See: Grainy pic below) Rumors are flying around campus that Jeremy Lin, point guard for the New York Knicks and overnight NBA sensation, will be at Columbia tonight to watch his Alma mater play. Bwog can’t confirm this rumor, but we can […]

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It’s impossible to talk about sports in New York this week without mentioning Knicks point guard sensation, Jeremy Lin. It also turns out it’s impossible to talk about Jeremy Lin without using a LINconcievable number of LINcredibly bad puns. Anyone who has turned on a TV or picked up a New York newspaper in the […]

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IT IS COLUMBIA. Roar, Lion, roar! Today on Daily Intel, we learned that there is a new website that makes the last 3,981 wedding announcements in the Times and made them into a database. Columbia has been mentioned 615 times. Browse and see if your TA married your other TA! Harvard had only 466 and […]

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Harvard Loses Things

While the value of Columbia’s endowment rose a relatively measly 2% last fiscal year, our friends in Cambridge saw their endowment grow 8.6%. But the tables are turning. Between June 1 and October 31, the WSJ estimates, Harvard lost about $8 billion — that’s 22% — of its endowment. Well, yikes. No word yet on […]

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As some of our more movie-savvy readers have noticed, Hermione Granger (also known by the alias of “Emma Watson”) is currently touring the Ivy League, having already made stops at Harvard, Yale, and Brown (?), and provoking geeky analogies that Bwog certainly will not engage in. Though, just for the record, we would like to […]

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Gather round Columbia, it’s time to re-welcome IvyGate into our browsers and into our hearts. Naturally, it has returned dressed to the nines, with a new WordPress redesign and fresh-faced summer editors. Bwogger Justin Vlasits favors the mouse over chalk-underlines in the new masthead (see above), while a Yalie friend of Bwog noticed that clicking […]

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In which Bwog correspondent and past-life high school orator, Andrew Flynn, sojourns to a recent Harvard high school debate tournament and waxes philosophical about the current state of that ever so nebulous academic activity.   When the wind-chills of February announce their arrival in Morningside Heights, when long papers and dry readings begin to weigh […]

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The Crimson has broadened its coverage area–it’s now taking a look at Columbia’s expansion, but only as far as Alma’s project relates to its own. Some of the paper’s conclusions, in Bwog’s expert opinion, turned out a little whack. The Crimson calls Harvard’s proposed expansion an “even more ambitious plan” than Columbia’s (because all comparisons […]

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Musings from Bwog staffer Alec Turnbull, serving up lux and veritas over a summer bartending in Boston: A pair of fragile old women in matching floral print dresses arrive first, ten minutes early. Half an hour later the room is at its 325 person capacity, and the loud buzz of conversation drowns out Harvard president-to-be […]

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The New York Times Magazine covers sex publications, marking the eighteenth time in as many years Bwog has read about H-Bomb; interestingly, the aforementioned Harvard publication was granted college funding, unlike, say, Columbia’s Outlet. No mention of sex pieces in non-sexual college publications? Following in the footsteps of our favorite “explicitly, absolutely, without a doubt […]

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No, Really This Time

In the latest news from the rest of the Ivy League, Harvard plans on naming Drew Gilpin Faust as its next president, according to the New York Times and Harvard Crimson (and most definitely not to a hoax email). If Harvard’s Board of Overseers gives her full approval as expected, Faust, who is currently Dean of the Radcliffe Institute of […]

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  “Harvard introduces Major Cultures requirment, new Core Classes. World breathlessly applauds Harvard for trailblazing. Columbia yawns, wonders what the big deal (asks self why Harvard always gets the press and credit?)” – writes one anonymous tipster, who discovered this article on CNN’s website. According to the article, “the university is also expected to soon […]

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OK, just kidding. But just for a second, the Harvard class of 2010 thought the Hutt-like former president had been brought back for the job: someone sent the gullible young ones an official-looking e-mail announcing the appointment. The buzz over at Bored@Lamont is pinning the prank on the Lampoon. The best part? The practical joke […]

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This maintenance van has been parked on College Walk intermittently for the past week. Go refurbish in Cambridge if their moldings are so nice, then.

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The first Ivy League fees for next year have been set: Princeton has ra ised total fees to $43,980 while keeping tuition at $33,000. Interesting tidbit: currently, Columbia is the most expensive Ivy ($45,444, as your parents likely know), followed by Penn and Harvard. Columbia will announce next year’s tuition in June, last of all the […]

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