-Photo via Washingtoninformer.com Spring break is behind us, and now it’s time to celebrate the delightful lull before finals come into full swing. The city might be our classroom, but this week we’ve got the time to make it our playroom. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Zing, Zang, Zoom! Various times until April 13th, Madison […]
Guide to the Weekend: Spring Break and St. Pat’s Pre-Game Edition We have finally reached the promised land, and just in time for one of New York City’s most exciting weekend. For all those not on the road, it’s prime opportunity to paint this town red (or, green as the case may be). Friday Afterwork […]
– Wikimedia Commons Spring break is just one more week away! Who can wait? Go out there now! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday The Armory Show Friday & Saturday noon-8pm and Sunday noon-7pm, Piers 92 and 94 Twelfth Ave. at 55th St. (212-645-6440) It’s the best that the above-ground art world has to offer, featuring both […]
Since Fat Tuesdays is inconveniently placed during the week, carry the festivities into this weekend with these helpful hints: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday New Voices of Blue Note: A 70th Anniversary Celebration Nightly 6:30pm-1am, 111 East 27th Street (212-576-2232) The youngest (and therefore hippest) of the jazz labels, Blue Note, come together to blow […]
We at Bwog might not be able to get you into the Fashion Week after-parties or exclusive show-biz Oscar viewings, but we do have these suggestions for this awards-heavy weekend. Friday Sizzling South America Saturday 6:30-10:30pm, begins at Praxis International Gallery25 East 73rd Street, 4th Fl. (212-772-9478) This night out on the town begins with […]
For perhaps the most coincidental calendar arrangement all year, accord it due celebration with these weekend tips: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Barney’s Warehouse Sale Weekends 10am-7pm, Barney’s Co-op 255 W. 17th Street btw 7th and 8th Aves. Save 50-75% off on all Barney’s designer merchandise. The sale runs through Sunday March 1st – get there […]
We’ve got six more weeks of this dark and drafty season, but New York makes the best of it! Don your warmest winter gear for the city’s most exciting celebrations of the season. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday New York Comic Con Friday 1-7pm, Saturday 10am-7pm, Sunday 10am-5pm Jacob K. Javits Center 655 W 34 St. […]
We’re one month closer to spring! Celebrate the waning winter season with these fun and entertaining tips: Friday Naeem Mohaiemen: Young Man was No Longer A… Friday 7pm, New Museum of Contemporary Art 235 Bowery (212.219.1222) Artist, activist, and all around flower child Naeem Mohaiemen delivers a multimedia talk on failed activism during the 1970s […]
Barack Obama is President. It’s your first weekend back in New York City. You don’t have any homework yet. Pick your reason, and go party! Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Taschen Books Warehouse Sale Friday & Saturday 11am-8pm, Sunday noon-8pm: Taschen Store NY, 107 Greene St. (212.226.2212) Taschen, renowned art book publishers, slash their price 50-75%. […]
Yes, this week is just the worst and yet, next week will somehow be even worse, and two weeks from now it will all culminate into one big pile of essay-and-exam atrociousness. Have some foresight and get out now, while you still can. Friday Friday Night Fights Season Finale Friday 8pm, the Hall at St. […]
The sun may go down at 5pm and the mercury in your thermometer may have disappeared, but put on a coat and get some color in your cheeks with our weekend recommendations. Friday Columbia Night at Lincoln Center Events at various times; between West 62nd & 65th Streets and Columbus & Amsterdam Aves. For ridiculously […]
Guide to the Weekend Editor Sara Jane Panfil has aggregated ways to stay dry, entertained, and educated this weekend. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Housing Works presents Fashion for Action A sample sale of designer ware priced at 50-70% off. If you missed all of the Veteran’s Day specials last weekend, here’s a second chance. That […]
This is the one weekend it’s probably more exciting to be in Chicago than in New York, but that doesn’t mean you can’t put your best celebratory foot forward! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Chocolate Show 10am–9pm, Saturday 10am–8pm, Sunday 10am–7pm Pier 94 12th Ave & 55th St The show offers demos from celebrity chocolate chefs, […]
Halloween is the first day of our Election Day holiday. Enough said. Friday NYC Village Halloween Parade 7pm , 6th Ave between Spring and 23rd Street To participate: Line up in costume at 6pm, 6th Ave between Spring and Broome Streets Last year 45,000 people participated and over 2 million people came to watch, and […]
New Yorkers take Halloween very, very seriously. So, you’d better practice! Get your game on with these helpful suggestions. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday WFMU Record and CD Fair Friday 7-10pm, Saturday 10am-7pm, Sunday 10am-7pm Metropolitan Pavilion 125 West 18th Street Come fundraise for WFMU by browsing through thousands of CDs, LPs, DVDs, and other kinds […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025