When rethinking our relationship to the planet, should one consider love?
Deputy Arts Editor Grace Novarr attended a conversation between acclaimed novelists Tóibín and Hamilton, who discussed Hamilton’s recently published novel, The Pages.
We sent poetry-loving Bwogger Nikki to Pulitzer Prize winner John Ashbery’s reading, where she indulged in complimentary sandwiches and beautiful poetry. Long before the 6:30 door opening, an energetic crowd of writers, poetry enthusiasts, and artists alike began gathering down the hall from Dodge 501. All vying for a seat within the small drawing room […]
Last night, our beloved Heyman Center for the Humanities released its events listing for Fall 2011. Nearly always the source of academic wet dreams, this semester’s series features Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, as well as Columbia history extraordinaire Mark Mazower. Admission is free, open to the public, and first-come, first-served (unless noted). More information on the center’s website. […]
Bwog likes to hop, and we encourage you to do the same. Amid the craziness of the EC courtyard lies the glorious Heyman Center for the Humanities. Last night they released the full Spring 2011 lecture schedule, featuring intellectual heavy-hitters like David Harvey and James Fenton. You should go! You get to snuggle up to […]
Seo Hee Im reports from 1501 SIPA, where Terry Eagleton spoke last night, at an event co-sponsored by the Institute of Religion, Culture and Public Life, and the Heyman Center for the Humanities. Terry Eagleton, world-famous literary theorist, was introduced as “so sparkling, so Irish.” This seemed apt, as Eagleton, deftly wielding self-congratulatory British charm […]
The Heyman Center for the Humanities, a.k.a. the academic building oddly juxtaposed with the hedonistic wasteland of East Campus, hosts a great series of lectures throughout the year on subjects from a broad array of humanities fields. So whether you’re into Reconstruction or reification, you just might find something that suits your fancy. The Center’s schedule of […]
The Heyman Center continued its exceptional series of lectures on Thursday night with a presentation by Professor Steven Shapin of Harvard. Bwog’s Academic Exceptionalism Correspondent Dane Cook was there. Steven Shapin indulged an overflowing audience of (presumably) Ivory Tower affiliates at the Heyman Center last night with a presentation of his most recent work entitled, […]
An expanded schedule of events for EC’s intellectual haven was sent out last night, causing oohs ahhs and drooling. Bwog’s pulse notably quickened when we reached the new addition of PrezBo and Salman Rushdie. Here’s the e-mail containing the line up thus far: THE HEYMAN CENTER FOR THE HUMANITIES Revised and Expanded Schedule of Events, Spring 2010 […]
The Heyman Center has released their Spring 2010 events schedule, and it’s highlighted by not one, but two appearances by Mr. Right Side of History himself, Joseph Stiglitz. He’ll be part of “The Continuing Financial Crisis: Perspectives from the North and the South” on March 25th with Prabhat Patnaik, and Jomo Kwame Sundaram, and “Mismeasuring […]
If you were all hyped up for the “conflict” part of last night’s Veritas Forum “Faiths in Conflict: Searching for a Common Space,” you may be disappointed by the friendly banter between secularist Heyman Center Director Akeel Bilgrami and Sri Lankan theologian Vinoth Ramachandra. Bwog correspondent Sarah Ngu reports on their discussion of how to […]
A favorite start-of-semester tradition in Bwog-land is the release of the Heyman Center’s schedule for the upcoming semester. Some staffers get to pencil in talks and discussions they’ll later miss (thanks homework!), and some get to giggle yet again at “Heyman Center.” Because some of us are four years old, really. This year’s best bets […]
LectureHopper Mark Hay sat in on Thursday’s presentation by noted sociologist Bruno Latour at the Heyman Center for the Humanities. He sends Bwog this dispatch from the event, a lively discussion of identity, ideology, and globalization. For those who have never hunkered down for an event in the Kraft Center’s Rennert Hall, a few words […]
Bwog Lecture Hopper David Berke attended tonight’s Heyman lecture, starring Orhan Pamuk with Andreas Huyssen. Special Brinkley cameo towards the beginning! Deep in the catacombs of the Kraft Center, Nobel Prize Laureate/MEALAC professor Orhan Pamuk spoke to a basement of eager listeners, the packed room filled beyond capacity. The literary luminary, who moonlights as a […]
While basically just waiting for classes to begin, we found ourselves looking over The Heyman Center’s new fall schedule. As usual, it’s mostly academic events with a few more timely topics mixed in. Some highlights: “What Was Democracy” (Sept. 22nd): Joyce Appleby of UCLA discusses early American democracy with Columbia’s own Eric Foner. “Lionel Trilling […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025