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Posts Tagged with "ice cream"

Staff writers Maya and Arlette went on a long and treacherous journey (to 115th) to investigate one of NYC’s biggest mysteries: Mr. Softee’s truck.

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Need a break from a crazy and intense day, filled with midterms or due assignments? Take some time out of your day today to get some free ice cream from Ben and Jerry’s. We know that the cloudy, cold and gray day might be bringing you down, but nothing turns a day around like free stuff and ice […]

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We sent poetry-loving Bwogger Nikki to Pulitzer Prize winner John Ashbery’s reading, where she indulged in complimentary sandwiches and beautiful poetry. Long before the 6:30 door opening, an energetic crowd of writers, poetry enthusiasts, and artists alike began gathering down the hall from Dodge 501. All vying for a seat within the small drawing room […]

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Last time 2girls had to walk all over the bloody neighborhood the morning after 1girl was “mysteriously sick” (#YOLO) in order to sample the hot chocolate-y goods of various local cafes. This time, that same girl said to the other, “Screw it, I’m not walking. Let’s just buy ice-cream from Westside!” So, 2girls hiked all […]

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You may have been led to believe that summer was officially over, but the sun is still shining and we’re feeling slightly sweaty in our sweaters. Luckily, the highly sought after Coolhaus truck is making a rare appearance at Columbia today. Head over to Broadway, between 114th and 115th, from noon to 5 pm to grab a “gourmet,” made to […]

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In case you missed it yesterday, Peace by Peace is holding another info session tonight from 8-9 pm in Diana. They will be giving out free Ice Cream Sundaes and there are unconfirmed reports suggesting an excess of sprinkles. Come for the sugar high, stay for the lessons on conflict resolution in elementary schools. Ice Cream Sundae […]

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Healthy Leads (formerly Project Health) will be giving away free food during an info session at 6:30 in Lerner 569. Check out the group’s website for more information. The SGA is scooping free ice cream for Barnard Freshmen (women?) from 6:30 – 7:30 in the Diana Center.

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The pre-school free food continues! Currently in the lobby of Broadway residence hall there are two large tubs of ice cream along with a couple of smaller Ben & Jerry mini-tubs. Have at it! Update: Apparently there are events in Ruggles and Schapiro as well—three cheers! Happiness via Wikimedia Commons

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One unfortunate Wienie was devastated upon returning to the communal fridge—rather than the comforting icy delights of Ben & Jerry’s, this Wiener found nothing at all. Not sure we want to think about where that ice cream could possibly have been…

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Just when we thought this place couldn’t get any more boring, all sorts of new minutiae decided to crop up! Spring is here-ish, new chairs abound, and Boringside Heights is serving up ice cream like it’s goin’ out of style. Midterms be damned—it’s a good time to be at Columbia. It’s been reported that Hewitt […]

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Make your own fattening creation in John Jay or Hewitt, take a picture, and submit your masterpiece to! The Sunday Late Night: a bagel with 3 scoops of ice cream, 4 cookies, 2 brownies, Nutella, peanut butter, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and Applejacks Created and photographed by Katheryn Thayer

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Treats are everywhere! (Sike) The boys of Lambda Phi Epsilon are hoping to make your final official study day a good one: they’ll be serving free ice cream and root beer floats from 4-6 today on Ancel Plaza in front of EC. Thanks, fellas! Update, 4 PM: More from the wacky world of CU free […]

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It may not be summer yet—finals and the weather are conspiring against us, it seems—but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a veritable summer’s day of free food this afternoon and evening. At 5:00pm, the annual CU Carnaval barbecue takes over South Lawn. Expect free eats and lots of samba–Facebook event here. And what’s a […]

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Ben&Jerry’s is available for gratuitous consumption this evening courtesy of CCSC tonight at 8pm at the Lerner Piano Lounge. Get an extra scoop if you show up in PJs! Donations will also be collected for Save the Children. There will also be free food at Quarto Literary Magazine’s launch party and reading at 8:30pm in […]

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