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Posts Tagged with "hidden talents"

In Hidden Talents, Bwog seeks out the most fabulously gifted of your peers and exposes their skills to inspire your general awe and, of course, requisite jealousy. In this edition, Bwog’s resident modeling maven Liz Jacob introduces you to Lisa Cant, GS ’12, Columbia’s very own supermodel. Know any other Columbians worthy of a profile? […]

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In Hidden Talents, we introduce you to the secret and sensational lives of your classmates. Charlie Stigler, SEAS ’15, has only been at Columbia for a few short weeks, but he’s probably helped you out on more papers, homeworks, and projects than anyone else here. Charlie Stigler is the developer behind SelfControl. With a lean, […]

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Hidden Talents introduces you to the secret lives of your classmates. You think you did well on the SATs, but can you breathe fire? Reveal your peers’ top tricks to us at In this edition, our Talent Scout Alex Eynon met Miss Virgin Islands, BC’13. Camila Daniels may appear to be a typical college […]

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In Hidden Talents, Bwog gushes over your classmates’ dexterity like a proud mom. In this installment, we join Freshman Fish Correspondant Sam Schipani as she learns about her floormate’s eccentric extracurriculars, and makes a handful of aquatic puns along the way. Know someone who has 900 toes and can use each one to perform a different task […]

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In  Hidden Talents, Bwog exposes your classmates as the strange and glorious wunderkinder they truly are. Below, Bwog’s Embers Enthusiast, Atira Main, interviews the vivacious vixen Reina deBeers, a fire breather. If you know a stunt double, hostage negotiator, or curling champion who’d like to be profiled, email us at You may have seen […]

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…for a living! This is Columbia, and, you name it—we probably have it. Join our Chief Mellifluousness Expert Nico Esguerra as he explores the annals of American education by way of a student paid to read textbooks. Know someone with concealed and intriguing skills? Tell us at Most of us look forward to summer […]

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In Hidden Talents, Bwog digs up the downright wonderful and strange abilities of that kid next to you in CC! Today, Mark Hay delves into the shadowy world of yo-yoing with Andrew Ghazi, SEAS ’13. If you have any  suitemates/Facebook friends/awkward hookups who do cool things, tell us at “So there are five modern styles […]

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In Hidden Talents, Bwog seeks out the strange and mysterious abilities of your classmates!  Today, Carly Silver enters the murky underworld of New York state magicians through Bwog’s own Arts Editor, Megan McGregor.  If you have any friends/acquaintances/elevator-mates who do crazy things, let us know at This past summer, Megan McGregor, BC ’13, got a […]

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Internship, schminternship! In Hidden Talents, Bwog exposes your classmates as the strange and glorious wunderkinder they truly are. Bwog’s equestrian enthusiast Mahima Chablani brings you a profile of the dark horse handicapper, and beloved contributor, Carly Silver. Would you like to share your talent? Is your talent exposing other people’s talents? If you satisfy one or […]

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Internship, schminternship! In Hidden Talents, Bwog exposes your classmates as the weird and glorious wunderkinder they truly are. Bwog’s Jack-of-All-Trades Matthew Schantz brings you a profile of the high-flying Logan Donovan. Would you like to share your talent? Is your talent exposing other people’s talents? If you satisfy one or more of these conditions please let […]

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In Hidden Talents, Bwog exposes your classmates as the weird and glorious wunderkinder they truly are. Hannah Goldstein profiles Sarah Tully, BC ’13, also known as That Girl Who Beat You at the Irish Dance World Championships. And if you know anyone with a hidden talent, let us know at! Sarah Tully leads a double […]

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During our time at Columbia, most of us meet one or two group leaders, student government presidents, star athletes, and the like. But there are many Columbians with lower profiles, whose talents are just as (or even more) awesome. In the lastest installment of Hidden Talents, Bwog presents, Rebecca Ehrhardt, CC ’13, Tae Kwon Do […]

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In this latest edition of Bwog’s recurring feature highlighting students’ hidden talents, Alliance of Magicians Bureau Chief Mark Hay sat down with a performer that would rather not be labeled a magician. Throughout our little chat I keep trying to label BK (a stage name), CC ’13, a magician, but every time I offer up […]

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In the latest installment of our recurring feature devoted to students’ hidden talents, Safecracking Bureau Chief Mark Hay shows us that some talents require anonymity. Schnitzel’s talent is not so much hidden as it is, of necessity, clandestine. Under New York Penal Law 140.35, just by possessing the tools of his trade, Schnitzel (ed. note: […]

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During our time at Columbia, most of us meet one or two group leaders, student government presidents, star athletes, and the like. But there are many Columbians whose profiles are lower, yet their talents are just as (or even more) awesome. Here’s our recurring feature devoted to those students: this time, we present Taylor Chaintreuil, […]

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