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Posts Tagged with "Indian food"

Staff Writer Khushi Chhaya attended the HSO’s Garba event, a traditional form of dance performed during the nine-night festival.

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Delta GDP, the Growth and Development Project at Columbia, will meet tonight at 8:30 pm in Hamilton 303 for an open dialogue on women’s rights in India. As you’re eating your free samosas, discuss with peers the recent rape and murder of Jyothi Singh Pandey, India’s general attitude on the issue, and the future of […]

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Yeah, that’s right. Superhuman Happiness. If you’re interested in a bit of what NPR calls “the whimsy of Talking Heads’ ‘Once in a Lifetime'” with a bit of “Phish-like laid-back vocal attitude and the joyful funk of James Brown” come over to the Lerner Piano Lounge from 12-1 PM for some sweet jams from the […]

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For all those tired out from today’s SlutWalk events, head over for to Stephen Donaldson Lounge in Furnald Basement (yeah, we didn’t know it was called that either) from 4 to 6 pm for dinner and discussion with the Columbia Women’s Organization. They promise free food from Indian Café, as well as free knapsacks, water […]

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Two rather different entries in the free food log tonight: First, the Columbia University International Relations Forum will be serving a free Indian buffet in advance of a screening of The Sky Below, an award-winning documentary on Pakistan and India. Singh will be in attendance, and a conversation will follow the screening. That’s all happening […]

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