Holy shit. Spec is reporting that the candidates will speak on behalf of ServiceNation, an organization that aims to increase public service participation. We’re trying to figure out whether the event is open to students, and will be updating as we do. According to the NonProfit Times, 500 seats have already been filled: “500 supporters […]
Bwog noticed the following masterpiece chalked into the sidewalk in front of the Citibank on Broadway. (It reminds us of the chilling day that Ron Paul supporters had somehow obtained and mastered chalk.) To ward off any devastating criticism of a possible political bias, the artist has assured us in a note written next to […]
Bwog’s coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign continues with Jim Downie’s Political Weekly, now back to its regularly scheduled Monday broadcast. This week in politics is like the eye of a hurricane (or at least a tropical depression): stuck in between two supposedly significant weeks. Life on the campaign trail continues incessantly: campaign strategists will […]
With the second most delegates of any state, New York promises to be a critical part of Super Tuesday on February 5th. Here’s a brief rundown of what to expect; be sure to keep your mice on the refresh button a week from today and watch as shit gets consequential.
Columbia College Dean Austin Quigley is hosting a senior class reception tonight at 5:30 in Lerner’s Satw Room. The event announcement mentions a “SUPER SECRET-HUGE-AMAZING announcement at 6:00pm sharp,” which, Bwog hears, is the identity of the 2007 Class Day speaker. We’re hoping for a speaker who’s a bit more Tony Kushner than John McCain […]
A dear alumnus informs us that Ady Barkan, C ’06, is working to make the last past six months of his life relevant: he’s the spokesman for one Victoria Wulsin, who’s 2,300 votes down against incumbent Republican Jean Schmidt (who incurred Democratic wrath by calling decorated veteran John Murtha a coward) in Ohio’s second district. […]
It looks like with the recent controversy over John McCain’s commencement speech tour, The New School has solidified its place as New York City’s predominant stronghold of liberal student activism. (Oh, Spirit of ’68! Why have you forsaken us?) The result? A blog war to end all blog wars, courtesy of The Huffington Post. For […]
Gothamist is reporting that lefty New School students are doing a much better job protesting John McCain in his last commencement stop of the year than we did. Where was Columbia’s 1,000-signature petition? They even care about it in India! And no, that’s not the ceremony. Bwog is just still confused by the orange theme.
Admit it, you’re glad you didn’t have to sit out in the rain for the class days and Commencement, but you kind of want to know if anything interesting happened during the graduation festivities. As usual, Bwog’s got you covered. Precipitation: It rained, dulling the much-ballyhooed McCain protest (sez the NY Times), and giving rise […]
Details are in on the CC Class Day McCain protest and things are looking peachy. Well, orangey? An email from protest organizers says “orange at Class Day signif[ies] our opposition to McCain’s policies and support for equality, women’s rights, and peace, among other values.” Official protests run from wearing orange buttons to “an orange demonstration,” […]
Does John McCain speak for you? Because he doesn’t speak for these guys. After all, post-thesis seniors have to get worked up about something…
Liberty U., college of choice by southern Baptists and Jerry Falwell devotees alike, snags McCain as their graduation speaker, too. Awkwardly-titled Facebook group Committee to Keep John McCain From Ruining Columbia College Class Day 2006, begin your foaming at the mouth… now.
Looks like trouble might be a brewin’ regarding the selection of John McCain as class day speaker this year. What better way to conclude one’s Columbia career than with a nice little protest? Critics of McCain have started a Facebook group called, appropriately enough, Committee to Keep John McCain From Ruining Columbia College Class Day […]
It’s just been announced that U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) will speak at Columbia College Class of 2006’s Class Day in May. His daughter is a junior in the College. Bwog applauds seniors Nicholas Cain and Ciel Hunter on securing such a strong speaker. McCain’s no Obama, but he’s also no New England Patriots owner […]
Bwog did a double-take when it came across this photo: Surely this was putative Republican presidential candidate (and Columbia dad) Sen. John McCain? But then what was it doing in a photo essay on Academy Award winners? He’d probably like to tell you, but we’ll have to on his behalf. Answer after the jump. Update: […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025